
How can I find a great Wordpress theme for my blog?

What is the best wordpress theme for my blog? The blog niche is about selling wordpress services, like ebook and other products.


Your question, "What is the best Wordpress theme for my blog" is nearly impossible to answer. There are an incredible number of factors that go into website design to influence conversion, sales, and user experience.

A theme out of the box probably isn't the "right" answer for long-term success, but it may get you up and running. I don't think website design is ever "done". Think of megasites like Amazon or Facebook, they are constantly changing an testing.

That said, to set yourself up for growth, the ability to A/B test, change details and layouts, etc, I recommend a custom theme builder similar to Divi by Elegant Themes (

They have a number of pre-built layouts that you can use as a foundation, but changes as your needs fluctuate.

All the best,

Answered 7 years ago

Try starting with GeneratePress + Elementor.

Great combination for building fast WordPress sites.

Answered 7 years ago

Hi, you can found a great one in If you need some help with install, hosting or something else, I can help okay? Best.

Answered 7 years ago

Hi there!

As far as where to look, I'd start with this list of frameworks, and email them directly to see if they recommend a specific theme for your service niche:

There are many factors to consider when purchasing a premium theme:

1.) Is there an active support community? This should be at the forefront of your mind, as there's nothing worse than needing support only to find out that it's an outdated theme that doesn't get regular updates. Take a look at the changelog and see how often updates are pushed. Ask them about support turnaround time.

2.) Speed of theme - You don't want a theme that is bloated and will slow down your site.

3.) Aesthetics - Spend some time taking a look at demos of their theme. See if there's some sort of 'showcase' that shows other sites using that theme. Peruse those sites

4.) UX/UI - Is the theme intuitive enough to navigate around? Can you add your own custom CSS if necessary? Maybe you're not tech savvy, but if you decide to have customization done, you can always outsource having CSS written for you, which you can then add in the appropriate section within the theme's settings.

5.) Framework - Is the theme that you're considering part of a larger framework? For example, Themeforest is a framework that provides many different themes.

6.) Reviews - Check the reviews/testimonials on the theme.

Let me know if you have any questions :)

Answered 7 years ago

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