A saas platform like carthook.com but we're upselling tourist activities post hotel booking. What issues should be anticipate and how do we validate demand for this idea and what's the first non scaling thing to do?
Communicate with a range of different people and get them to try it out for free and leave reviews. That would get you off to a good start and they can also tell you some negative things that you may be able to fix.
Answered 5 years ago
Validating Demand: you need to get a simple questionnaire based survey( mobile phone friendly ) from different hotels and staffers about the inquiry they get from guest, they are a good first hand source of what guest look for. This will give you an area specific demand habits of people.
What issue you will face: It wont work at all is an issue everything else is a good news.
Non Scaling thing: Run a pilot in a area and make the platform hotel specific this will encourage the hotels to promote it too.
Answered 5 years ago
You will have to conduct market research-- would this be considered an innovation? Will it disrupt the market??? It is not about the idea at first, it's about meeting needs-- what can this offer and is there anything else like it?
Answered 5 years ago
Ideas are not successful on their own accord; they require to be creative ideas to be successful. Creativity allows you to feel confident and motivated, it helps you come up with solutions that might work, and it helps you feel like you have got everything ‘together’ as it should be. Creativity also allows you to unlock possibilities and create a reality that helps you reach your inner potential. Without creativity everything is a little, well, boring. In order to be creative, you need to be little selfish from time to time. Everyone has the potential to be creative, you simply need to let it out. That can be difficult when you have people telling you that your ideas are crazy, or trying to get you to conform to so-called social norms, however. As a result, you start to believe that your creativity is a waste of time. That is the biggest shame of them all.
In order to use your creativity, you need to forget the past, forget living in future, and instead firmly live in here and now. Creativity helps make life worth living and helps put a smile on your face. At the heart of it all, creativity is driven by deep need to show our inner, true selves. That means we show our good sides, our bad sides, and our weird sides. We do all of this and we want to be accepted. Despite that, you need to ask yourself some questions, including ‘who am I, and what do I have to show to the world?’
Now you may ask ‘When does creativity happen? ‘Let us look at the following points below to understand the question:
1. Role of the Subconscious: Sometimes problems get solved when people are working on other problems, thinking about other issues, or engaged in recreational pursuits. People have even solved problems after sleeping on them! Bertrand Russell reported how, when he was writing Principia Mathematica, he would frequently go to bed having failed to solve a problem despite much effort. On waking the next morning, the solution to the problem unexpectedly popped into his head. His subconscious biological computer had solved the problem during his sleep. Your subconscious is the storehouse of everything you know, even things you cannot readily call into awareness. It makes patterns and connections without your awareness. Some people are more creative late at night, while others are more creative early in the morning. Research has established that early birds find more original solutions late at night, while night owls do better early in the morning. Ideas often come to us at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected places. It is said that the Greek scientist Archimedes discovered the principle of buoyancy when stepping into his bath, when he noticed the level of the water rose as he got into it. King Hieron had posed the problem for Archimedes to solve that the King’s new crown was definitely made of solid gold. He suspected the artisan who made the crown of being deceitful by alloying or corrupting the gold in his crown but had no way of proving it. Archimedes could not simply break open the crown as that would have destroyed it. Instead he realised that the problem could be solved, by measuring the volumes of water displaced by the crown and an equal weight of gold. By comparing densities, he could determine the gold content of the crown and thus solve the King’s problem. Your subconscious will process, recombine, adapt, and consolidate ideas, images and experiences and suggest solutions. It is a way of accessing the vast resources of the subconscious and tap spontaneous useful insights. Therefore, daydreaming is so effective for producing creative ideas. It is also natural to daydream. Psychologists and neuroscientists estimate that we spend between 15 and 50% of our waking hours daydreaming – that is we stray away from reality and focus instead on our inner thoughts, feelings, and fantasies.
2. Inspired by Dreams: Many scientists have been inspired by their dreams to make wonderful discoveries and inventions. When you sleep your mind doesn’t turn off. Instead it becomes highly active during dreaming. Sometimes dreams are the way your mind works out solutions to problems you may have and taps into the creativity in your subconscious to do so. For many writers and inventors their dreams can be powerful inspirational tools. There is an adage “to sleep on it” which means that if you go to sleep thinking about a problem, you may wake up in the morning with the solution. So, if you plant a seed before you sleep the mind works on it as you sleep. Daydreams also help us to build and practise our social skills. We can rehearse social encounters in a virtual imaginative world such as difficult encounters with the boss, making fun of the teacher, and potential conflicts with our enemies without risk, blame or consequence. Instead of being a waste of time, daydreams are now seen as a potential door to the Nobel Prize. Many famous scientists used visionary daydreams to help them win the coveted prize.
Rene Descartes is known as the “father of modern science.” What is not widely known is that the essence of what we now know as the “scientific method” was revealed to him in a dream. The scientific method is where a new model, paradigm or hypothesis is developed to explain a natural phenomenon. This is then supported through experiments to test the model. Descartes was an exceptionally bright young man and dropped out of school at the age of 17 when he realised that he wasn’t learning anything. He then decided to retire at the tender age of 20, and for the next two years did little else but stay in bed, read, reflect, dream, and write. It was during the second year of his retreat that the scientific method came to him while dreaming. Take the case of Elias Howe, who invented the lock stitch sewing machine, and claimed to have hit on the idea after a nightmare. He dreamed that while cannibals were boiling him alive, he noticed that their spears had holes in the tips. This proved to be the novel solution to his problem of where he would put the eye of the needle of his sewing machine. August Kekule, a famous German chemist, discovered that many organic compounds are formed of rings, rather than open molecules. He was inspired by a dream of a snake swallowing its tail, with the realisation that the Benzene chemical compound had a circular rather than a linear structure. He thus solved a problem that had been confounding chemists for a long time. In addition, do not ignore your intuition or sixth sense, as gut feelings sometimes are inspirational, and the idea generated may have practical validity. Our intuition may serve us well in some circumstances by harnessing the subconscious processing part of the brain. Otto Loewi (1873-1961), a German born physiologist, won the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1936 for his work on the chemical transmission of nerve impulses. His discovery was inspired by a dream. In 1903, Loewi had the idea that nerve impulses had a chemical rather than an electrical cause, which was the conventional wisdom at the time. However, he did not know how to prove his idea. He left the idea incubate for 17 years, until he had an inspirational dream about how he could draw up an experiment to prove his thesis. It took Loewi another 10 years before he could carry out the tests to prove his theory to the satisfaction of his peers and critics.
You must pay attention to your daydreams if you are to reap the benefits of potential creative insights. Jerry Swartz, is the inventor of the first hand-held barcode laser scanner, and the first commercial wearable computer. He always carried index cards with him, so that he could record any ideas occurring to him while daydreaming lest he forget them.
3. Relaxation and creativity: Relaxation helps us generate creative insights. Albert Facey had no pressures on him when he wrote the bestseller A Fortunate Life. He never meant it to be published. Relaxation also helps recharge your batteries when you feel you are tired. This is why Google puts Ping-Pong tables and other recreational facilities in their headquarters to encourage breaks and reinvigorate employees. They also include a large cafeteria with food service for employees and their guests. If you want to encourage insights, then you’ve got to encourage people to relax. Nolan Bushnell, the founder of the Atari Company, got the inspiration for one of his best-selling video games while playfully kicking sand on a beach.
Mozart maintained that his best musical ideas came to him when least expected, while travelling alone, or walking after an enjoyable meal, or during periods of wakefulness at night when he felt restless and could not sleep. Tchaikovsky believed that walks were essential to his creativity. He would walk twice a day and occasionally stop to jot down ideas that he would later flesh out at the piano. It seems fresh air is a tonic to the brain! Einstein got his theory of relativity while taking a relaxing walk in the mountains. President Kennedy was famous for taking power naps in the middle of the day. This was Kennedy’s method of getting into a relaxed creative state. This was his way of intentionally switching off and a source of renewed energy and fresh perspectives. A report in the June 2009 Proceedings of the National Academy of Science confirmed the hypnagogic state. It found that naps can help people separate the gist of new information from extraneous details, and that catching some REM sleep makes people better at finding connections between weakly related words. This is a sure sign that napping helps creativity. The same report showed that a nap with REM (rapid eye movement) sleep improves people’s ability to integrate unassociated information for creative problem solving.
The poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the inventor Thomas Edison said that most of their ideas came to them when they were dozing. Edison was considered a daydreamer at school and was expelled but used this facility to good effect when he grew up. He would think about his problem before he dropped off and would keep a diary nearby to record the outcome. He would doze off in his chair with his arms over the armrests. In each arm he held two ball bearings. He would place two plates on the floor underneath his arms. As he drifted off his hand would relax, and the ball bearings would fall and hit the plates with a loud bang. Awakened by the noise, Edison would immediately write down any ideas that had come to him in his dreamlike state. Psychologists call the drowsy state just before we fall asleep as the hypnagogic state. They call the drowsy state just before we wake up the hypnopompic state. Edison induced the hypnagogic state on purpose by taking frequent naps. During the hypnagogic state people can experience novel ideas and thoughts that might never occur otherwise. The mind is at its most flexible during this time combining things in the most unusual ways. This drowsy creative state happens just before we go to sleep at night, and before we wake up in the morning. This is also a good time to programme our minds with positive affirmations, so that we develop a positive attitude in our lives. Besides Edison, many other famous people used the hypnagogic state to inspire their creations. These included artists, writers, composers, philosophers, and scientists such as Salvador Dali, the Spanish surrealist painter, Edgar Alan Poe, the American writer, Beethoven, the German composer, Aristotle, the Greek philosopher and August Kekule, a famous German chemist. These people claimed they were inspired by flashes of genius which came to them during a hypnagogic state. Salvador Dali used a similar technique to Edison to induce the hypnagogic state to inspire ideas for his painting. He would lie on a sofa and hold a spoon in one hand, balancing it over a glass placed on the floor. As he drifted off to sleep, he had inevitably let the spoon fall and the noise of the spoon hitting the glass would awaken him. He would then sketch the bizarre surreal hypnagogic images he saw.
4. Notes to Inspire: Keeping notes is a feature of people who achieve creative greatness. Just like the creative geniuses of history meticulously keep a complete record of your dreams, ideas and insights. You never know when they might come in very useful. Things change quickly and ideas currently impracticable may come of age at some future date. Also keep a treasure file of unusual stories, anecdotes, insights and snippets of information that you might be able to use later. These ideas may come through purposeful research of books, magazines, newspapers, encyclopaedias and surfing the internet. Libraries, bookshops, Wikipedia and Google are good starting points for your research.
B.F. Skinner, the most influential behavioural scientist of the 20th century, believed that we all have good ideas, but must remember to capture them when they come, as otherwise we will forget them. He realised that human memory was fickle, and so always carried a small notebook with him so that he could write down ideas as they came to him. Many people produce a to-do list to remind them about the things they need to do each day to achieve their purpose. The list acts as a constant reminder of what needs to be done. Most people fail to turn their creative dreams into deeds because of lack of discipline, commitment and follow through. Novelists and non-fiction writers could not produce their books without the ability to produce notes on their observations and research. Many like to use mind maps to record their notes. Famous people, and the not so famous, conscientiously keep diaries to record the events in their lives. This is a valuable source of factual everyday information about their lives and helps as a reference and aide-memoire when writing their autobiographical books. Some famous creative geniuses maintain that they get their best ideas during the drowsy states just before they fall asleep, and just before they wake up in the morning. They keep notebooks near their bedsides to capture these ideas as otherwise they will lose them. Charles Darwin was an avid note taker. When researching scientific literature over many decades he kept detailed notes of his findings. When he went to the Galapagos and other exotic destinations on the HMS Beagle, he kept detailed notes of his observations about plant, insect, and animal life. These notes form the basis for his revolutionary theory of evolution and natural selection. Even when back at home in England he kept detailed notes about his observations on plant, insect, and animal life.
Leonardo da Vinci kept detailed notes and drawings of his ideas. Many of his notes have survived to this day. They show the broad interests of this famous renaissance figure. There are hundreds of pages of his notes including sketches, doodles, and musings. At the time of his death in 1519 Leonardo had earned a great reputation as an artist, but the legacy of notes that he left behind for posterity showed that he also had capabilities as an engineer, scientist, astronomer and inventor.
His notes contain information on mathematics, geometry, astronomy, botany, zoology, and the military arts. Included in his notes are illustrations of gliders, flying machines, a parachute, and an underwater diving bell. On the military side he designed a giant crossbow and a spring catapult to hurl boulders. He also designed siege machines to breech city walls and span moats. During his lifetime Leonardo made no attempt to publish his notes, even though printing had been invented, and so he could have published them if he wanted to. Galileo’s confirmation of the Copernican view that the sun was the centre of the universe rather than the earth would not have come to light if he did not keep copious notes. More importantly was his discovery of the four moons in orbit around the planet Jupiter. This gave credence to the Copernican model that displaced the Earth from the centre of the universe. Galileo kept careful notes of his observations about Jupiter’s moons over many nights and published the data with his interpretation. He was the first to do so. In addition, he kept meticulous notes about his discoveries, wrote letters to his benefactors and published twelve written works between 1564 and 1642.
5. Serendipity has been defined as the ability to make fortunate discoveries accidentally. Irving Langmuir, 1932 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, defined serendipity as “the art to profit from unexpected occurrences.” Serendipity needs three elements to happen: action, recognition and insight. Action sets the stage, recognition allows one to see and not overlook what is happening, and insight is the ‘eureka’ moment or understanding when a possible application is seen. Many of the Nobel Prizes for discoveries in physics, chemistry, and medicine, ranging from x-rays to penicillin were the result of serendipity. Serendipitous people are not afraid to try something new. Instead they think: ‘Isn’t that interesting?’ ‘Isn’t that a possibility?’ ’I’d like to give that a try.’ If you are psychologically prepared for the possibility of serendipity you are likely to find more of it and exploit it. You must recognise what is happening and realise the significance of it. As Pasteur said chance only favours the prepared mind. A prepared mind is one that is curious and always asking ‘why?’ or ‘what? The prepared mind ponders and investigates the unusual occurrence, and sees an opportunity where others only see an obstacle or a mistake. The prepared mind is usually one with extensive training and experience. The word ‘serendipity’ was first coined by Horace Walpole, an 18th century British diarist, who wrote about the Persian story of the three Princes of Serendip (now Sri Lanka). These fairy tale characters were always having the good luck of making fortunate discoveries through chance. Mystery writer, Lawrence Block said: “One aspect of serendipity to bear in mind is that you have to be looking for something in order to find something else.” In science, carefully planned experiments are designed to systematically test a hypothesis or prove a scientific claim. However, they often yield unexpected but potentially useful results not specifically expected or looked for. We should not view chance events as random and meaningless. On the contrary, serendipity provides a framework for understanding, working and accepting such phenomena when they occur. The sign of a good scientist is having the presence of mind to recognise and pursue the unexpected results to make a worthwhile discovery; to see an opportunity rather than dismisses it as an irrelevant anomaly. Scientists must have knowledge, curiosity and flexibility of mind, motivation and perseverance to exploit these opportunities when they arise. They must have an in-depth knowledge of their subject, and continually keep up to date about new advances in their field. Knowledge provides the fuel for their imagination, while imagination is the catalyst that transforms knowledge into ideas. For example, the pharmaceutical industry is a knowledge-based industry. Its scientists are drawn from different disciplines, and its success depends on its ability to use the latest scientific knowledge and techniques. In addition, scientists should have a broad knowledge of other subjects which may help them develop new perspectives and ideas. Reading widely and using search engines like Google will help them in this process. This bank of knowledge helps them to explain their observations and interpret their results.
Thus, thinking creatively requires the following:
1. Believe that you are creative: Expect to be creative and you are more likely to be creative. Chekhov said man is what he believes. Similarly, Jean-Paul Sartre concluded that man is what he conceives himself to be. Practise being creative. Your mind is like a muscle. The more you use it the stronger it becomes. Be positive but realistic about your ability to be creative. Believe you have a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset.
2. Be open to new ideas: Look to nature, history, geography, other cultures, and famous creative people as sources of inspiration. Reframe or redefine problems in order to see things in unusual ways. Continually look for a better way of doing things. No matter how efficient a process is, there is always a better way of doing it. Turn things on their heads. Think about the opposite. Take the familiar and look at it in a different way. Do not look at things as they are or always have been but as they might be. See things from other points of view. Also, sometimes we see things we expect or want to see rather than reality. Learn to separate perception from reality.
3. Get into a creative state when you need to: To do so, remember a time when you were in a creative state. Visualise intensely what it felt like. Anchor the feeling by pressing your thumb and forefinger together. Practise this a few times. Re-experience this state at any time by pressing your thumb and forefinger together.
4. In business one sacrosanct assumption is that the customer is always right: Marketing people often conduct surveys to find out what people actually need. The problem with this approach is that some people don’t know what they want and reject ideas that they don’t understand or can’t relate to. For example, in the early 1990s, the initial reaction by consumers to mobile phone text messaging was, “Why would you want to send messages by phone?” They could not imagine a phone being used for anything but conversation. Texting caught on gradually when people discovered how fast, useful, and economical text messaging was. Today most people use text messaging in addition to talking on their phones. This is now a significant source of telecom revenue. Sony launched the Walkman even though consumer surveys suggested it would not succeed.
5. Challenge your preconceptions or stretch your mind by going outside your comfort zone: In other words, avoid getting into a rut or mindless, ineffectual habitual ways. If you keep on doing the same old thing you are surely going to get the same old results. So, do something different! To start the process, you could visit places you have never gone to before such as a gallery, a store or a museum. You could visit a foreign country and have a wide variety of experiences. On an everyday note you could drive a different way to work, or eat out in a different restaurant, and try a dish you have not experienced before.
6. Competition may be an antidote to creativity: Two groups of employees were asked to solve the same problem. One group was told prizes and recognition would be awarded to those who produced the best result. Competition was not mentioned to the second group. They were only told to have fun and enjoy themselves. The outcome was counterintuitive. When both groups’ solutions were studied, the second group’s solutions were more creative than those of the first group who were operating under a competitive mindset.
7. Build on existing ideas and inventions: We can all be inspired creatively by the people and things around us and by what has come before us. Writers are influenced by books they have read, or by other writers that they know. Painters draw on the tools, techniques, approaches and ideas of other artists. Musicians build on the style of other musicians, so that their own style can be a blend of others. Inventors build upon the creation of others. Henry Ford is often credited with inventing the automobile. This is not true. Cars developed out of a combination of bicycles and tricycles. These involved wheels and a geared mechanism. These were combined with engines for propulsion to create cars. In 1795, Joseph Cugnot, invented a steam driven cannon carriage, a type of tractor, for the French army which is credited by some as being the forerunner of the automobile. In fact, the history of the automobile is an evolution that took place over centuries worldwide. It is estimated that over 100,000 patents contributed to the modern automobile. Steam driven cars were not the only type of cars invented in the early days, there was also the electric car which today is making a comeback. Steve Jobs of Apple was inspired from knowledge taken from diverse fields to design and create his iPad. He famously remarked that creativity was just connecting things. He was particularly good at adapting the ideas of others. Apple did not invent MP3 players or tablet computers. They just made existing products better by combining things and adding unique design features.
8. Have considerable knowledge in your particular domain and generally through a wide range of interests: The greater knowledge you have the greater your ability to generate ideas, to combine ideas from different areas, and make creative breakthroughs. It is difficult to appreciate the applications and ideas in other fields to your own area if you are unaware of them. This isn’t easy as it takes about 10 years of disciplined study to build up sufficient expertise and knowledge in your particular domain. Reading is an easy and enjoyable way of acquiring a diverse source of knowledge. Read history to learn about the past. Many ideas of the past were abandoned because the technology did not exist to support them. The time may be exactly right to revisit these ideas because current technology may support them. There is nothing new under the sun. New ideas are just combinations of old ones. Read science fiction. With science fiction you can allow your imagination to wander freely without restraint. Many of the impossible innovations predicted in previous science fiction works are now reality. The writer Jules Verne in his books anticipated the submarine and landing a man on the moon.
9. Work smarter, not harder: You need to be efficient and effective at doing the right things. There are always better ways of doing anything. Consider if all steps are necessary in your processes. Are some unnecessary, repetitive and deliver no value? Is there a better way? The great Peter Drucker reminds us that sometimes the best course of action is to do nothing. The “bias for action” is popular, but in some circumstances inaction and reflection may be the best choice.
10. Take time to think and reflect: Incubation and reflection is a vital aspect of the creative process. You need time to test your hypotheses, question things, bounce your ideas off your colleagues, get different perspectives and compare your ideas with what is known in the literature.
11. Develop a tolerance for ambiguity: Accept that there is risk and uncertainty in life, and that there are times when you must embrace it if you want to succeed. Jonas Salk the developer of the polio vaccine said: “Risks, I like to say, always pay off. You learn what to do or what not to do.”
12. Work alone or in a group: Many creative people prefer to work alone. If you want to work with others, seek out positive people rather than negative people. Have a clear vision about what you want to achieve. With vision and passion, you can overcome any amount of negativity. If you tend to engage in negative self-talk, turn it into positive self-talk. Your mind cannot think of more than one thing at a time. In other words, you cannot hold a positive and a negative thought in your mind at the same time. This means that you can control what you think about. So, think positive thoughts! Through persistent programming, positive self-talk becomes automatic and rooted in your subconscious mind so that your outlook will improve.
13. Use all your brain: This includes the right side or creative side and the left side or logical side. You need the right side for coming up with ideas and you need the left side for problem definition and evaluation. Learn to access the subconscious mind through fantasy and daydreaming, as it is a huge storehouse of information. Research by Jonathan Schooler at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has found that people who daydream more score higher on various tests of creativity. Creativity is only limited by the paucity of your dreams and drive. Some great discoveries were made after dreaming. As discussed previously, Elias Howe invented the sewing machine and August Kekule discovered the benzene ring. Keith Richard of the Rolling Stones composed the song ‘I Can’t Get No Satisfaction’ after a dream. The tune for ‘Yesterday,’ one of the most recorded songs in history, came to Paul McCartney of the Beatles fame in a dream. Keep a pad at your bedside to capture your dreams. Each night just before you fall asleep tell yourself that you will remember your dreams. When you wake up jot down your dreams. The more ideas you generate the better, as 95% of ideas fail to become positive outcomes.
14. Give and receive feedback: Most people want to do excellent work, exceed the expectations of others and especially their own. Most companies treat feedback as a formal process to be given only after yearly or half-yearly performance appraisal sessions. This is much too infrequent and too late to modify behaviour and be beneficial. Feedback should be given as near to the event as possible, so that corrective action can be taken to improve things or put things right. Creative cultures thrive on timely, frequent, and spontaneous feedback. Feedback should be realistic to provide direction, and help people raise their own expectations. B.F. Skinner found that random rewards lead to desirable behaviour. Therefore, the gaming machines in Las Vegas are programmed to reward punters randomly. This provides them with the incentive to keep on spending their hard-earned cash.
15. Have fun: Develop a sense of humour. We experience some of our best ideas when we are happy, relaxed and having fun. Creativity is positively associated with joy and love, and negatively associated with anger, fear, and anxiety. Happiness and humour build rapport and promotes openness to new ideas, by relaxing people, and making them more receptive and less likely to criticise ideas. This leads to risk taking, which is the basis of creative thinking. You are more likely to come up with a creative idea if you were happy the day before. This is a kind of virtuous cycle. One day’s happiness often predicts the next day’s creativity. In addition, you are more likely to generate ideas during play, games, role play or laughter. Laughter is good for your health. Laughter is cathartic, releasing negative and destructive feelings. It boosts the immune system and stimulates the lymphatic system. It makes you feel good and positive, and helps you put problems in perspective. It loosens up the subconscious mind, and helps you develop novel perceptions. Probably the single most important thing a manager can do to encourage creativity is to make it fun to work on a project.
16. Do the things you enjoy and enjoy the things you do: Immerse yourself in what you are good at. Passion is one of the main reasons for creative success. It helps us overcome our limitations by turning negatives into positives. Think about possibilities rather than problems. Obstacles become problems to solve or opportunities to exploit. Passion is contagious like laughter. Find your passion and ignite the passion in others by inspiring and engaging them in your vision. Organisations like Google, Apple and Virgin let their employees know what they are passionate about. This helps their employees buy into the vision. Google has a passion for information; Apple has a passion for design, while Virgin has a passion for customer service.
17. Have a curious mind: In one of his journals Leonardo da Vinci wrote about having “an insatiably curious attitude to life, and unrelenting quest for continuous learning.” To build information about your subject, ask challenging questions. Questions may help you answer some overlooked relationship or discover some nugget of information that you need to solve a problem. Continually ask the question ‘why’? ‘how might you?’ and ‘what if’? Consider ‘why’? as a prompt to learning more. Consider ‘how might you?’ and ‘what if’? as a prompt to open possibilities. Creative people have a childlike wonder. They look at things in new ways, see things that others do not see, see things that are not there, and question what they do not understand. They continually challenge assumptions. Challenging long held assumptions is not as easy as it sounds. Even prominent scientists resist looking beyond long-held scientific assumptions, particularly if they feel that new thinkers are threatening their position.
18. Be willing to be different by challenging the status quo and questioning the norm: From an early age we are taught to conform. This begins in school, is reinforced by the norms of society, and the culture of workplace organisations. Defy the conventional and be non-conformist. You are happy to go it alone without popular support. People who follow the status quo or a consensus group view, are less likely to challenge ideas and be creative.
Thus, your idea has the potential only if it is creative, do not develop mental blocks to your creativity. Holding your feelings inside is a block to your creativity. Allow your thoughts and ideas to wander and that will help you become more creative.
“Dream it, Question it. Commit to it” (Felicia Day)
Besides if you do have any questions give me a call: https://clarity.fm/joy-brotonath
Answered 4 years ago
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