
We are pivoting from selling a direct SaaS product to selling API access to our functionality. What should we keep in mind?

Our product helps companies collect, edit, manage and publish video content. We are having a churn problem because clients who don't fully adopt our solution are less likely to continue using it. And we've had some great initial traction with software companies wanting to add video functionality into their products.


Pivoting from selling a direct SaaS product to selling API access is a significant shift that requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure a smooth transition and successful implementation. Here are key aspects to keep in mind:

Understand Your Audience

Identify Target Users: Know who will use your API—developers, businesses, or partners.
User Needs: Determine the functionalities and data your users will most value and how they will integrate your API into their systems.

API Design and Documentation

RESTful Principles: Ensure your API follows RESTful principles for ease of use and standardization.
Comprehensive Documentation: Provide clear, detailed documentation, including usage examples, endpoint descriptions, error codes, and troubleshooting tips.
Versioning: Implement version control to manage updates and changes without disrupting existing users.

Security and Compliance

Authentication and Authorization: Use secure methods like OAuth 2.0 for authenticating users and authorizing access.
Data Protection: Ensure data transmitted through the API is encrypted and complies with relevant data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA).
Rate Limiting and Throttling: Implement mechanisms to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage among users.

Performance and Scalability

Robust Infrastructure: Ensure your backend infrastructure can handle increased load and scalability requirements.
Monitoring and Analytics: Implement monitoring to track API performance, usage patterns, and detect issues early.

Business Model and Pricing

Pricing Strategy: Decide on a pricing model (e.g., pay-as-you-go, subscription-based, tiered pricing) that aligns with your value proposition and market demand.
Usage Limits and Billing: Clearly define usage limits and billing cycles. Provide users with usage dashboards to track their consumption.

Developer Support and Community Building

Developer Portal: Create a portal where developers can find all resources, including documentation, SDKs, forums, and support.
Community Engagement: Foster a community around your API with forums, user groups, and events to share knowledge and gather feedback.
Customer Support: Offer responsive support to help users integrate and troubleshoot your API.

Legal Considerations

Terms of Service: Clearly outline the terms of service, including usage rights, restrictions, and liabilities.
Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Define SLAs to assure customers of the API's reliability and performance.

Marketing and Communication

Awareness Campaigns: Launch campaigns to inform existing and potential customers about the new API offering.
Use Cases and Case Studies: Showcase real-world applications and benefits of using your API through case studies and testimonials.

Migration Strategy

Transition Plan: Develop a detailed plan to transition existing SaaS users to the API-based model, if applicable.
Customer Communication: Keep your customers informed about changes and how it affects them, providing ample support during the transition.

10. Continuous Improvement

Feedback Loop: Actively seek and incorporate user feedback to improve the API.
Regular Updates: Continuously update and enhance the API to add new features, improve performance, and fix bugs.

By focusing on these areas, you can effectively pivot to an API-based model, providing your users with powerful and flexible access to your functionality while ensuring a smooth transition and sustainable growth.

Answered 3 months ago

Here are the few points I think you should keep in mind
- how are you migrating from SAAS to API access business. Is it like one click & everything switch from SAAS to API access or it's chunk wise migration. I think, better approach should inform your clients first about this new process/method & allow them how they want to migrate or even they want to migrate or not?
- Need to think about API scope, security, authentication etc
- API speed & robustness
- API pricing
- API Versioning
- Data Encryption
- API rate limiting and throttling
- API Input Validation and Sanitization
- Caching
- Load balancing
- API Documentation
- Logging & analytics
- Terms of Service and Privacy Policy
- Scalability

Answered 3 months ago

From an API Perpsective.

Follow RESTful Principles:
Designing your API using RESTful principles is fundamental to ensuring it is intuitive and standardized, making it more appealing to developers. RESTful APIs leverage standard HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.


GET /users: Retrieves a list of users.
POST /users: Creates a new user.
GET /users/{id}: Retrieves a specific user by ID.
PUT /users/{id}: Updates a user’s information.
DELETE /users/{id}: Deletes a user by ID.
Following these conventions allows developers to predict the API’s behavior and integrate it more easily into their applications. For instance, a developer familiar with RESTful APIs will know that using a GET request to the /users endpoint should return a list of users without needing extensive documentation.

Comprehensive Documentation:
Providing clear, detailed documentation is crucial for the adoption of your API. Good documentation includes an overview of the API, endpoint descriptions, parameter details, request and response examples, error codes, and troubleshooting tips.


Endpoint Description: Explains what the endpoint does.

Endpoint: GET /users
Description: Retrieves a list of all registered users.
Parameters: Details on any parameters required or optional.

page (optional): The page number for pagination.
limit (optional): The number of users to retrieve per page.
Request Example:

Copy code
GET /users?page=2&limit=25
Response Example:

Copy code
"total": 100,
"page": 2,
"limit": 25,
"data": [
"id": "1",
"name": "John Doe",
"email": ""
"id": "2",
"name": "Jane Smith",
"email": ""
Error Codes:

400 Bad Request: Invalid parameters.
401 Unauthorized: Authentication failure.
404 Not Found: Resource not found.
Troubleshooting Tips:

Ensure all required parameters are included.
Check the API key and authentication token validity.
Good documentation can significantly reduce the learning curve for new developers and increase the likelihood of your API being adopted and integrated.

Implementing version control for your API is vital to managing updates and changes without disrupting existing users. This practice involves maintaining multiple versions of your API to ensure backward compatibility and smooth transitions for users when updates are made.


Versioning Strategy: Use URI versioning by including the version number in the API path.

v1: GET /api/v1/users
v2: GET /api/v2/users
Change Communication: Clearly communicate version changes and deprecations.

Announcement: Notify users of new versions and upcoming deprecations through email, documentation updates, and community forums.
Deprecation Policy: Provide a deprecation period during which both old and new versions are supported, allowing users time to transition. For instance, if v2 introduces significant changes, continue to support v1 for six months before deprecating it.
Supporting Multiple Versions: Ensure that both versions are maintained and documented.

v1 Documentation: Includes the original endpoints and functionalities.
v2 Documentation: Details new features and improvements while highlighting the differences from v1.
By implementing versioning, you ensure that your API can evolve and improve without forcing all users to immediately adapt to changes, thus maintaining stability and user trust.

Adhering to RESTful principles, providing comprehensive documentation, and implementing versioning are key practices in designing a user-friendly and sustainable API. These steps ensure that your API is easy to use, well-supported, and capable of evolving to meet new requirements while maintaining backward compatibility and user satisfaction. If you need more detailed guidance on these aspects or have specific questions, feel free to reach out for a consultation.

Best regards,
Steven Nelson

Answered 3 months ago

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