If you don't currently have an LLC for the business performing IT services, you could create a DBA (Doing Business As) and offer those IT services under the first business you mentioned. One business can have many DBA's which is good for promoting services as if it is it's own business. By using ...
A few years back, my ambition was the only part of my life that I cared about. I was neglecting my health, relationships, and my happiness — all in the name of "more". I got a rude awakening when my beard turned white and fell out in patches. I was LITERALLY killing myself with the way I was wor...
There are a few options. If you've done the basics through Codecademy, then you're ready to move on to the specifics of a platform (such as PostgreSQL as you've mentioned). Though this can equally be a minefield. The reporting engines/formats differ from platform to platform. As does SQL believe...
While job boards can be a beneficial resource, if you are looking for individuals with experience and a high rate of success your best bet to fill positions will be via networking. High level sales reps are in constant demand across all industries which means they are being fished rather than doi...
The resume's purpose is to Get You The Interview. Not get you the job. It can't do that. So anything that helps you Stand Out and get that callback for the interview is fair game. I don't even recommend using a resume anymore. Develop online content and get it in front of employers who have the...
It depends on your charter or mission as well as your long term vs. Short term objectives. If your mission involves a larger more expansive view - then you will need to spend a lot more time on unique problem solving that has a strong potential ROI feeding the fulfillment of the mission. It kin...
Being bold and assertive, both in terms of communicating a vision as well as standing up for yourself, is something I've struggled with as an East Asian entrepreneur, and it's something I also see other Asians/Asian-Americans struggling with. Growing up, my parents always instilled a respect for ...
I've been in your shoes. Here's how Clarity has helped me: 1. I meet new people on Clarity who call me, sometimes more than once, then migrate over to my other programs or buy online courses or products. 2. I promote my Clarity page to my existing tribe. What I find is that some people like to ...
Wxatthewmaps is an interface that offers thinking automation. So, I believe before you are choosing a business-model you must understand what it is that you want to target. Often people confuse between value-retention and customer-retention. These two are closely related. When you enter the word ...
You’re probably not going to want to read this message because there’s hard truth in it, it’s the message you should read though. Marriage is hard. It’s not all bliss. There are times when divorce is ideal but those situations are rare. Marriage was once truly until death did you part, today we...