Why Isn't Anyone As Committed As The Founder?by Wil SchroterThere are certain aspects of your Startup that you’ve got to shoulder on your own. After all, a Founder’s superpower is the intensity of their commitment.Continue
It Doesn't Matter if My Startup is Bigger Than Yoursby Wil SchroterIs it a waste of time to compare our startup with other startups? Absolutely. And here's why.Continue
How Founders Get Rich Without An Exitby Wil SchroterMost Founders get rich without ever exiting their business. Yes, you read that right.Continue
How to Make Potential Failure Less Scaryby Wil SchroterAs Founders, fear of failure is inevitable. But what are we really afraid of? And how we go about unpacking it?Continue
I Can't Have That — And That's OKby Wil SchroterAt some point, when we've paid the bill of ambition enough times — we start to realize there's a limit to how much we're willing to pay.Continue
When do Founders Get a Raise?by Wil SchroterAs Founders, when is it time for us to get a raise? How do we establish reasonable expectations so this can work for us, as well as our company?Continue
Why Selling a Startup Brings No Validationby Wil SchroterThere's a huge difference between getting some validation from a job well done and literally validating our ego solely from our startup.Continue
Why Doesn't Anyone Understand What I'm Going Through?by Wil SchroterTrying to explain what we do to anyone is a challenge — unless it's another Founder. We need to consider our audience and mold our response to "what we do" depending on who we are talking to.Continue
When am I "Too Old" to Launch a Startup?by Wil SchroterWhen is it "too late" to start a startup? Is there a point where it's no longer feasible to assume the risk associated with starting a company?Continue
Many Startups Shut Down a Few Times Before Succeedingby Wil SchroterShutdowns are a part of the startup lifecycle. The sooner we recognize that the sooner we can get back in the game for the next run!Continue