How We Built an 8-Figure Business by Saying “No”by Wil SchroterSometimes saying "no" is the best thing we can do for us as Founders, as well as for our startup.Continue
Optimize for the Probability of Outcomes, Not Sizeby Wil SchroterAs Founders, it's important to have a realistic approach to building our company (even if it's our dream). Optimizing for probable outcomes over the size of our company is part of that approach.Continue
Why Our Founder Reputation Mattersby Wil SchroterHow we represent ourselves as Founders follows us throughout our startup journey. It's more than first impressions, it's how we handle everything from shaking hands — to closing doors.Continue
Form an Advisory Board to help Raise Capitalby Wil SchroterThere are multiple benefits in forming an Advisory Board for our startup. Raising capital is one of them.Continue
The Right Way to Ask for an Introductionby Wil SchroterIntroductions are favors, and favors have value. How we ask for an introduction is an important component not only to ourselves, but to those we are asking to introduce us as well.Continue
What’s the Least a Founder Should Know About Finance?by Wil SchroterAs Founders, if we don't know about startup financing, we are a liability to the company.Continue
Why can’t I be OK with where I am?by Wil SchroterOur goals shouldn't be about what we don't have. They should be about celebrating what we do have.Continue
Is it Better to be Located in a Major City?by Wil SchroterLiving in a major city has its advantages, but that doesn't mean that's where we need to be for ultimate success as a Founder.Continue
How Relationships Change When You're Successfulby Wil SchroterAs our success grows, our relationships will change. It's inevitable. Continue
Bringing on an Investor Means Hiring Your Bossby Wil SchroterWhen we raise money from an investor, we are really bringing on our new boss.Continue