Do We Need Offices Anymore?by Wil SchroterThe idea that more work gets done inside the office is no longer as effective as it used to be. An office setting may not be that substantial anymore for Startups. A lot of businesses are being run remotely and by far, they are progressing well.Continue
Our Latest Success May Be Our Lastby Wil SchroterWe need to recognize that whatever our latest success may be, it may in fact be our last big hit — and that's OK.Continue
Do Societal Issues Belong at Work?by Wil SchroterOver the years, societal and political issues are topics that can either encourage healthy discussions and debates within the team or instigate friction and division within the company. The question is, HOW do we talk about these issues?Continue
Beware the "Superstar Advisor" Shamby Wil SchroterThe idea of bringing on a "Superstar Advisor" is usually a total sham — but it's all created by us.Continue
Startups are Built at the Expense of Foundersby Wil SchroterStartups are often built at the expense of Founders long before they are built for our benefit.Continue
Why No One Returns Our Sacrifices by Wil SchroterA lot of Founders are tied to this idea that employees will commit the same level of sacrifice as they would for the company. And that people will appreciate what they do and stick around no matter what happens. But it’s all an illusion.Continue
Even in Failure, Founders Deserve True Respectby Wil SchroterWhen a business fails, Founders often wallow over how people react and what they can say about the situation. The adverse reactions don’t matter. What should matter is who stays to help pull you out of the rubble.Continue
When To Admit “I Messed Up”by Wil SchroterThere's absolute power in being able to claim not only our victories — but our losses as well. Continue
Why Isn't Anyone As Committed As The Founder?by Wil SchroterThere are certain aspects of your Startup that you’ve got to shoulder on your own. After all, a Founder’s superpower is the intensity of their commitment.Continue
We Can't Keep Ignoring Founder Emotionsby Wil SchroterThere's no version of being a Founder where we just keep doing everything right without a care in the world. We need to start opening up about what's in our heads and process our problems before we perish from them. Continue