
How to cancel a subscription

If you wish to cancel your subscription's auto-renewal and still be able to use the service until the end of your current billing period, please follow these steps:

1Go to the Subscription section of your account and click the Cancel Subcription button.

2. You will then be redirected to the feedback page asking the reason why you are cancelling your Bizplan subscription. A dropdown is available for you to choose the reason from. 

You will be asked to share your feedback about Bizplan. Once done, proceed by clicking the Cancel My Account button.

5. You will see the confirmation page of the account being cancelled.

6. Clicking the My Account_button will bring you back to your account so that you can continue using it. The _Subscription section will show you the date of when the subscription will expire.

Hovering your mouse over the expiration date will give you the option to cancel the pending cancellation. Clicking it will fully reactivate your subscription and you will continually be billed for it.

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