Joel LibavaStraightforward franchise ownership advice.

I provide straightforward advice on choosing, researching, and buying a franchise.
I’m the author of, “Become a Franchise Owner! The Start-Up Guide to Lowering Risk, Making Money, And Owning What You Do.” (John Wiley and Sons, Publisher)
If you're looking to get the best no-spin franchise tips and advice, talk to me-The Franchise King®, before you make your move.

Recent Answers

Possibly. I would need to know a lot more to give you a better answer.

Some things to think about:

1. Have you created an operations manual?
After opening several locations-you should have a good idea on what the processes are from beginning to end regarding choosing a location, building it out, and getting everything in place for the Grand Opening.

2. Do you have the funding to do this?

Don't fall for the, "You only need a franchise attorney to write up your franchise documents" type of advice. You need it all. Legal, marketing, operating manuals, software, new franchise sales processes...and that's only the tip of the iceberg.

3. Are you ready for your role to change almost 100%/

You will be doing mostly different stuff if you become a franchisor. You won't be involved in the day to day things as much. You are going to be selling and supporting franchises. Big stuff.

If your concept is different-I mean REALLY different, and you have the time and the money, you may have a shot at creating a great franchise.

The Franchise King®
Joel Libava

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