Stacey GroveConsultant, Mentor, and Coach

Consultant and coach for multiple business owners and entrepreneurs. Head coach for one of the USA's largest youth rugby programs. Expert at fostering a winning culture within any organization.

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Regardless of whether you have a "good" or "bad" boss, there is ALWAYS something to be learned. I recently finished out a 2 1/2 year tenure under some of the worst leadership imaginable, and regardless of my own personal angst, I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. By spending time with those I didn't enjoy, I learned so much more about myself, what I need as a budding business owner, and how to clearly define my own values and goals. Rarely will you meet anyone you can't learn at least a little from.
I'd argue it's the best course of action to go out and start your own thing, especially if you feel the itch to do so. Having now spent a little time in a different role within a different company, I'm learning more about my tolerance than ever before. Working for someone else has taught me just how much I hunger to be on my own, with the weight of the business on my shoulders. You may learn the same, or you may not want that burden.
For me, it was about being objective in self-critique. I polled everyone I called a friend via text messages. Not a FaceBook or social media friend, but actual people I spend time with outside of a professional setting. I asked them a few simple questions about what they thought I was good at, what they liked about me, and what I could improve on. The results were shockingly similar across the board, and my inspiration to reach out and help others was born.
There's no such thing as multi-tasking, in my opinion. There may be multiple ideas and behaviors occurring simultaneously, but at some point the aggregate will suffer and not get your best. Find your passion, focus on it until its crystal clear, and then find a way to tell others what you offer regarding it. For me, it's coaching, teaching, and business/personal development. I'd be more than happy to talk with you about it, if you're interested. Many great men that I respect have passed on wisdom that I plan on sharing with other entrepreneurs for the rest of my life.

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