Donald BurnsThe Restaurant Coach™

Donald Burns, The Restaurant Coach™ is the leading authority, author and international coach on how restaurant owners and operators go from just good to becoming exceptional. He helps independent operators create organizations that thrive and bring out their workers' natural strengths to reach their peak potential.

Donald is the founder & CEO of Off The Range Ventures, LLC, a behavioral based performance company, that works exclusively in the hospitality industry. Through workshops, seminars and a coaching business model, Off The Range Ventures, LLC has created results based programs that lead the industry in business solutions for today's economy.

He started his working life at the age of 15, washing dishes for his father who was an executive chef. At age 18, he enlisted in the US Air Force and was a member of the elite Pararescue Teams. After his service to his country, Donald attended the University of Miami while continuing to work with world class chefs. Due to his ability to form and develop high performance teams, Donald was recruited by celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck to help expand his catering company across the US.

A 35 year veteran of the food-service industry, Donald has owned, designed and created two original concept restaurants. He has had the keys in his hand, his name on the loans and the payrolls to meet. The hard lessons he learned as an owner has lead him to his current path of restaurant coach.

Donald is a sought-after adviser in the areas of menu design & engineering, restaurant operations, culinary consulting, peak performance and team dynamics. In addition to his blog at, he also is the host of The Restaurant Coach™ Podcast on iTunes.

He is a industry expert for FoodableTV Network and Toast Restaurant Management Blog.


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