Janusz ZdrojewskiTechnology, Innovation, Digital Transformation

Management consulting, digital / business / technical architecture, change management, building business agility, transformations - 'traditional' or digital. Work in the UK, USA and across the EU with blue chip clients in Investment Banking, Investment Management and Insurance. Keen technologist with very broad and deep technical expertise. Connect: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jzdrojewski/ Read: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/innovation-tail-digital-transformation-janusz-zdrojewski/

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There's a lot you can do in this regard but one thing I'd recommend is prototyping and surveying. Even limited primary research beats estimates. It also contributes to product/service development which is critical to get right early on.

I'd recommend testing the waters first - try to determine how your sales figures will change depending on capital allocation. E.g. you can do a on-the-street survey regarding new products. Much cheaper than launching a new product and finding out the hard way it doesn't generate sales. Depending on location specifics, physical marketing might be easier (and therefore cheaper) than fighting for visibility online. Think about client segmentation to establish which marketing strategy is optimal for your target groups.

Succinctly: it's the whole of your sales strategy along with any complementing initiatives and approaches. E.g. partnerships which help you drive sales forward. I'd recommend reflecting on the business/revenue model when thinking about your GTM - the two must be in good sync and mutually supportive.

Hello! The appreciation of what blockchain can do is now spreading in large corporations. Most have started on at least an assessment of existing blockchain deployment approaches, many have invested in startups or became members of alliances.

One of the ways to get funding and exploit the uptick in demand is to get a prospective client to fund you. There are groups in established firms looking for startups to acquire or mentor. There are several grades of companies they look for - those with a small, established client base through those which have a fantastic idea but have not yet produced their MVP.

I'm an architect who works with 'innovation hunters' on a regular basis. I can help you explore this approach.

Hello! You need to consider where UI and UX come in and why. Typically, by the time UI/UX is designed and then reviewed a range of activities must've taken place, e.g.:

(1) Someone defined the proposition, product or service which the UI/UX is supposed to satisfy.
(2) Someone created a project around the UI/UX design and implementation.
(3) Someone created a blueprint for integrating the UI with existing systems and thought of ways to streamline UX across products or services.

If you provide services in any of the above, they will constitute a value-add to UI/UX. One obvious angle to play, if you're doing reviews, would be to try and determine why UI/UX fails to achieve what your client wants. This presents a broader methodology improvement opportunity for your client - a valuable lesson.

More than happy to share some of my experiences delivering UI/UX changes as parts of digital transformation. I've also authored standards and guidelines for UI/UX design for large corporations so know what can go wrong and what would sell as a complementary service to your reviews.

Hello! Firstly you need to decide whether you're targeting larger or smaller corporations. Approaches will need to differ because the larger the organisation, the more formal the process and the more gatekeepers to go through.

I've noticed you mentioned Russian legislation - I successfully sold in the CEE market before and can share my expertise of both selling into CEE and the wider EU. I'm now in a position where I pick vendors and approve engagements so you'll get a 360 degree perspective on that.

One thing to mention is that retail tactics won't work with most corporates. This is true the bigger your target client is. The main angle to play is specialism and delivery efficiency - happy to expand on both.

Hello! The implied correlation in the question relates to alignment of roles versus organisational success. This is a very narrow perspective. Assaf already highlighted a range of things to consider in relation to the team or managers themselves, I want to point out the environment and business context.

Regardless of the skill set and motivation, business managers deliver in vastly different business environment. They can face different challenges in relation to e.g.:
(1) Local competition
(2) Time to close on deals
(3) Environmental enablers - e.g. availability of digital infrastructure vs relying on traditional sales channels
(4) Regulation and law
(5) Economic trends - whether the local branch operates in a recessionary or expansionary economic environment

The entire 'stack' of challenges needs to be considered to adjust for environmental differences. I've seen vast differences in how successful companies adjust to local business environments and would be happy to share these observations and techniques with you.

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