Entrepreneur & Founder of one of the most successful international virtual assistant companies, I can answer any questions about outsourcing strategies, how to pick the best virtual assistant, contract, and fees. If you have any questions about virtual recruiting, I'm happy to chat!
I wish I had assembled a versatile and complimentary team a little sooner! I was trying to do it all for a very long time as I was set on bootstrapping (still a big believer in that) but I have since learnt that there are definitely ways to partner with professionals and not break the bank. There is so much to do and so much to learn that I could have leveraged my time a whole lot better! My advice - focus on doing what you know how to do best and delegate the rest to trusted partners and professionals - don't kill yourself over trying to create Powerpoint slides!! :-)
Best of luck - it's an awesome adventure!
Hi, this is a tough one! We work internationally and use https://transferwise.com to pay many of our providers. The exchange rates are the best on the market (that I have found!) although they obviously fluctuate. Hope this helps somewhat!
I see you have already gotten quite a few responses here, and so I am going to make a pitch for Worldwide101, which is the virtual assistant company I founded back in 2009. Our team is US based, and we provide "business grade" virtual assistants - so in essence "more than basic admin" and "high quality", which seems to be what you are after. Here is a link to our website http://worldwide101.com/
If you are interested, I would love to find out a bit more about your requirements so we can suggest a VA for you. You can also check out objective VA company reviews on this site http://www.virtualassistantassistant.com/
All the best,
Virtual Teams Outsourcing Multilingual HR Consulting Virtual Assistance