Craig DamloInnovation Coach

Craig Damlo has a background in aerospace innovation and product development. He specializes in utilizing human-centered design principles of design thinking, helping companies empathize with their customers and understanding the problems to be solved before a product or system is developed. Previously, he led a corporate innovation center for one of the largest aerospace suppliers in the world, targeting cabin and cockpit systems.

He has written on and spoken internationally about applying methods of design thinking to aerospace systems. As a world-renown expert in aircraft oxygen systems, Craig has been instrumental in developing the current standard for portable oxygen systems. He holds and has contributed to several patents.

Craig began his career in aerospace as a design engineer in experimental test flight at Cessna Aircraft followed by oxygen system development for several aircraft platforms. He earned his undergraduate degree in physics from Baker University in Baldwin City, KS, and completed the Stanford University Innovation and Entrepreneurship program in 2015.
Currently, he is an independent innovation consultant and is co-founder of a startup aerospace company. Learn more about Craig and his work at

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First of all your material is protected through the copyright, but in order to collect any damages the copyright needs to be registered, so do that first. You should have a good argument because you have invoices they paid for training in the material so if they copy it fairly closely you could collect damages. A trademark isn't going to give you much protection on the material, trademarks are really only good for your brand and your logo, if part of your material is the brand then trademark it.

There are two other paths you can look at also. First ask the client about it, see if they are willing to partner in some way; for instance you could license your copyrighted material to them for use with their own clients. Second think about using a Creative Commons licence on the material that allows them to use it but drives their clients back to you; take a look at how Strategyzer has done this with the Business Model Generation Canvas.

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