Abdulrahman HassanClarity Expert

Abdulrahman Hassan,my phone number is +254 0791567240, my email is iscabdirahmanxassan818@gmail.com

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Deciding whether to quit a special program can be tough. Here are some questions to consider before making your decision:

1. **Why did you enroll initially?** Reflect on your initial reasons for joining. Are those reasons still valid, or have your priorities changed?
2. **What are the benefits and challenges?** Make a list of the pros and cons of staying in the program versus leaving it.
3. **How does it impact your future?** Consider how the program aligns with your academic and career goals. Will it open doors, or is it holding you back from other opportunities?
4. **Can you manage the workload?** Are you feeling overwhelmed, or is the program manageable with proper support or adjustments?
5. **Are there alternatives?** If the program isn't working for you, are there other options that might be a better fit?

What factors are making you consider quitting?

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