Eric Saint-AndreBusiness Transformation specialist

Excellent communicator delivering fit-for-purpose, agile & cost effective solutions to clients in the areas of business transformation, management systems & business processes, risk management, governance and internal audit.

14+ years experience (incl. 6 in E&Y and PWC).

In my career to date:

# Had the opportunity to experience how businesses operate and transform themselves across a range of industries, locations, size and maturity level.

# involved in multiple business transformation programs and projects, reviewed entire subsidiaries’ operations, BUs, functions, processes, etc.

# Assessed and improved key components of what corporations are made of from the Vision, Strategy, Culture, and People to core components of its operating model Governance, Management Systems, Frameworks, Processes, and Technology.

# Involved in a variety of projects in various locations (Australia, Europe, Japan, Singapore, US).

# Strong exposures to unlisted assets (infrastructure, real estate & private equity).

# Experience in all areas along the lifecycle of assets (e.g. origination, development, acquisition & integration, construction, operation & maintenance, supply chain management, commercial management, divestment).

# Reported to ARCC and Boards, involved in strategic initiatives and/or called to undertake special investigations.

# Entrepreneurial experience & work within the startup ecosystem, organising events, mentoring, and learning the hard way through involvement in various startups (incl. ASA Advisory Services).

# Founded Singapore Ideas Lab. Organising events/workshops which promote & apply leading edge methodologies (e.g. design thinking, lean startup, business model innovation, etc.) to help startups/SMEs solve real life problems. Sponsored by leading incubators in Singapore.

My mission is to help design and build tomorrow's organisations, a combination of:

- Business Excellence
- Innovation Ability
- Agility & Business Transformation Readiness

Recent Answers

You probably should look at specialised solutions out there rather than Odoo and equivalent that provide modules across the spectrum of enterprise operations but are not always as polished as specialised ones.

In the compliance space (including BCP/DRP, ERM, Sustainability, HSE, Environmental, and any possible requirement you could be facing) I can strongly recommend

"Our solutions help companies manage environmental and social performance, ensure compliance, minimize risks and improve profitability by leveraging some of the world’s most advanced technologies." Perfect for multiple remote operations, complex governance, multiple siystems / complex architecture, varying business requirements depending on BU/site, etc.

Hope that helps


P.S.: I do not work for or with them and do not get any commission - just think their product is the most suited for this sort of needs

P.P.S.: give me a shout if you need any help from a business transformation perspective i.e. how to best help with adoption, change management and ensure you get as much out of this system (which is only an enabler, the real questions around governance, reporting, underlying processes etc. need to be sorted out - you can do this in an extremely agile and iterative manner. This is what I specialise in.

here is my simple advice which should save you a lot of time and money.

your journey should start identifying whether or not you have a problem worth solving. Most of your issues, assumptions, solution you put forward is irrelevant until you have done this. Don't get me wrong, your idea is sound and it often starts from a vision or an intuition that your idea is great.

You now need to take a step back and do a coue of things:

- what problems does cabsharing solve? Share the cost? Meet new people? Etc.

- how would you rate the pain i.e. have people been dying for someone to co.e up with such a concept or is it simply a nice to have

You have to come up with a porblem statement, good understanding of the problem and start testing this first. Get out there and interview people. Measure. Learn.

If you have not heard of it yet just follow the lean startup approach (i recommend ash maurya's blog that will give you plenty to start with - his book running lean is also a great and practical resource).

If you need help structuring it all or formalising your initial lean canvas I am happy to help. The most important thing is to test and validate key assumptions before you embark on something bigger. Many ways nowadays to do this, give me a shout in less than am hour we can get you up and running.

Hope that helps, good luck the exciting part is just starting now: making it happen!

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