John S. FarhatVisionary, Strategic, Clear Thinker: Doer!

I help clients develop IT strategies to give them significant advantages over the competition.

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The first question I have is why would anybody pay for something they can get for free... Unless the free "whatever" is so difficult to get and free ends up being a lot of money (ie time).

If you have a value proposition to take away the pain, then that's a start.

Once you have established value, then you can determine who is willing to pay what for it.

Having an idea is the first step in a long process of getting an idea to become a viable business.

I would try to work for a smaller company where you can be closer to the business side of things. See how a business is run. Learn. With larger companies the "fulfillment" side is usually isolated from the "business" side, so you may not get to see the granular business process.

And then use that experience to help build your business.

I worked as a consultant for a small company for 5 years and not only did I learn the business side, but also learned how to be a consultant, not just an IT guy. After the 5 years, I launched my first business...

This is a very wide question.

Is it just an idea? What level of market research has been done? Is it "more" than just an idea? Assuming it's all going to work out, do you have a plan to move forward? Any crude budgetary numbers in place?

And many more questions. So it's impossible to answer your question.

Have you considered providing the book in electronic format. If somebody wants the book and are willing to pay the shipping fee, they get the paper copy, otherwise, it's a download.

Take a look at ZOHO ( They have a loosely integrated suite of applications with built in communication. With their more enterprise level subscriptions, you get to customize and create what you find lacking in the base app.

I've been using them in my new business and very happy with them.

Were any of these discussions expressed in writing or simply discussed - he said he said kind of thing.

I know this is an emotional topic, but when you boil it down, it is nothing more than a business deal. It works or it doesn't.

And I agree with Murat, don't let things linger. It gets more emotional with time.

It seems to me that getting freelancers on the marketing and development sides is probably the way to go. Especially if you are used to working alone and are not interested in managing groups of people.

On the other hand, if you see yourself building a full blown business, then you want to start planning the process and product lines, etc...

Just keep in mind, the more people you manage, and more products you have the more complex the business becomes.

People. Definitely people and making sure everybody is on the same page, whether clients / customers, employees, contractors, vendors, or family.

Why is it an Either/Or proposition? And does it have to be a formal class???

Running a business is an ongoing learning process. You should always be reading up, help from mentors, industry contacts and groups, and formal training if needs be.

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