How do you learn to trust yourself?
If you can’t see your value, you can’t sell your value.
But you can’t fake it till you make it. That doesn’t work.
I’ve worked through impostor syndrome myself, and I know how to uncover your gifts, so that you know exactly who you are meant to serve.
This will help you with
🗒 writer’s block
🎥😬 video confidence (I have a YouTube channel with 3500 subscribers),
🗣 sales conversations
🎤 public speaking and
🤑 talking about money
And you won’t be told to fake anything, or to “just do it”.
Book a call, and get your breakthrough.
There are a number of categories that you can select for your profile, but it sounds like you could use the "Topics" option to list the different problems you're able to help with.
In general, I think having multiple topics in one profile is better than trying to maintain separate profiles.
As the profile doesn’t change very often, it would be worth getting someone to do this for you.
Options are to go to, or, but I would recommend you get your marketing language really good in the original language before you get the translation done.
The idea definitely does exist, and that's a good thing. It's much easier to start a service with a market that you know is there.
Rather than going commission-only, which puts all the risk on you, what if you were to help inventors and SMEs build a prototype and assess its market value.
Maybe they have an idea on a napkin, but have no way of knowing how to build it or why a manufacturer would invest in it.
Showing the path to market is very valuable for both the manufacturer and the inventor or SME.
Happy to explore this more, if you'd like to arrange a call with me.
Apart from having testimonials, you can prove your abilities by publishing content.
You could apply the Pain/Dream/Fix copywriting technique to prove to particular businesses that you understand their expensive problem.
You're probably going to find smaller businesses that can't yet hire full-time marketing or copywriting staff.
Describe their painful problem - describe the symptoms - of not having good, captivating content.
Then paint the dream for them. What does that content do for them to get new leads, or to cement the relationship with existing clients?
And finally, offer your solution, although your own writing will do a lot of the heavy lifting here.
Much marketing seems to try speaking about the service provider's solution: "here are our skills and experience." But I think describing the prospects' symptoms first, you're not leaving them to connect your solution to their pain.
If you'd like to have a call with me to help you save some false starts, I can share more specific advice.
I'd set up your profile around the most common questions people ask before they speak to a dentist.
Look at a few other expert profiles, even outside of healthcare.
And then create some specialties that are quite specific, which will help demonstrate your expertise.
And then try inviting some people to have free calls with you, so you can get some practice on Clarity and also get some reviews to help prove your authority.
If you'd like more practical advice, you could book a call with me.
Wondering how things turned out for you with this product.
Odd as it may sound, the secret to good outreach, in my view, is to go narrower. Let me explain.
You have a number of offerings here:
- testing of new IT projects
- maintenance of existing ones
- mobile apps for four very different industries
Each of these seems to be very different markets, and I don't just mean the four different industries. I mean, for example, the testing of applications is very different from maintenance.
So, without knowing more about your current outreach campaign, I'd be focusing specifically on the expensive problem you solve, rather than the solution.
What's the business outcome?
For instance, in the high-end women's fashion industry, what is the app helping achieve? Reduce shoplifting, for example, using RFID technology. Or if it's in the very broad healthcare industry, are you helping reduce waiting room times by means of a virtual care app? Or again, if your app provides psychiatric care to farmers in remote communities, the value is huge for both the farmers and the psychiatric health providers.
But these are very different problems, with very different outcomes. Start with the problem and make it as specific as possible. Or start with a big promise (one that your service will fulfil!)
That's my advice without knowing more about the specifics.
Of course, I'd be honoured if you wanted to consider a call to help you get some more specific, actionable suggestions.
Getting a clear idea of your long-term goal is valuable. It will help you work out whether short-term decisions are in keeping with that vision.
One problem I've encountered is people having no long-term goal (other than, maybe, "make some money"). Another is having long-term goals that are vague.
If you do speak to a business coach, I'd recommend you get some specifics short-term goals that you own, and, of course, that are in keeping with your long-term goal.
You could look at financial benefits, even emotional ones (you don't want your business to run you!), physical (working remotely, holidays, etc.) and even spiritual.
Of course I'd be happy to help you work through this, or recommend you speak to an existing business coach you know or a colleague or friend.
In the supply chain business, refunds are a constant pain. How do you verify the goods are OK, and able to be put back in for resale? It's really important to minimise the desire for refunds.
Now, although this question is for a product, let me answer how I manage the refund question for a service.
Supposing I'm working with someone offering business coaching for several weeks, I'll say something like: "If, during the course of the project, you're not happy with the quality of my work/advice or my ability as a consultant, I'll gladly refund any payments you've made."
Seems generous, but in fact, I'm only guaranteeing the quality of my advice and professionalism. If they decide to ignore my advice, or do something else that is going to undermine their own business, I can't guarantee success.
Also, the guarantee is only during the course of the project, which gives me and them a chance to be very open as we go along, to make sure that I am addressing any concerns early on.
It's a question of showing the client what the next step is, so that they can see what they have to do now, while also keeping in mind the grand vision for their business or lifestyle.
Have to agree with Pamela, here. Breaking through that initial trust barrier is best done in person.
A couple of ways might come to mind.
If you have worked with people in the past, and you know them in a different context from your work (for example, family or friends), you could ask them to tell you in their own words what difference you made to them. That would be valuable testimonial material.
Also, you could share some valuable information about posture, lifting or some other common trigger event you come across in your business. Share it with a local networking group, or an arthritis or orthopaedic forum.
Be helpful, build authority (especially locally), and make it so that when people do meet you, they feel they already know you.
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