Brian BagdasarianCEO, Build A Big Idea Marketing Group &

Founder and Senior Growth Strategist at Big Idea Marketing Group - a Data-driven Growth Hacking Agency. My clients average a 600% ROI on their marketing spend!

Founder of - the leading medical billing artificial intelligence solution. Startup advisor and branding expert. Former "talking head" for RT Network (English), Former #3 globally ranked currency manager by BarclayHedge.

Recent Answers

What niche?
What price point?
What are you offering?
What is your CPL target?

Figure it out backwards:

40 leads = 5% conversion rate
40*20 = 800 opt ins per week (at least) at a 5% conversion rate
800*20 = 16,000 clicks from campaign.

At a $1 per click average, you would need to be able to spend 16k per week on your advertising.

I think your numbers are too aggressive, especially if you are posting this as a general question here on Clarity.

How do I know this? This is what I, and my agency do.

We can have a conversation, and I can provide some more direction for you, but in general I would look at getting 1 lead per week at first, and then scale from there.

Figure out your niche first - then look at what is out there for PLR content, or what others are offering. You can write an ebook, or have it written, for a small investment, and the turn around is quick.

PLR is a very lazy method, and converts at a low rate, because its just not original. Create something new.

A few things:

Delaware corporations have a default franchise tax that is calculated on a share basis - if there are 10MM shares, then, even if the company has no revenue or assets, it would still owe the state around 75,000 dollars per year in franchise tax.

The board itself does not control the company, insofar as the board serves at the pleasure of the shareholders - if you are issued 35% of the shares (I'm not sure where you are in that capital stack you provided), then you functionally have almost as much control of the company as the CEO and CTO.

How large is the board itself (according to the Corporate Bylaws)? - Normally a board is an odd number (5, 7, etc), and the chairman of the board only votes when a stalemate exists.

None of you are majority shareholders - a majority shareholder is one that controls, either directly or by proxy, 50.01% of the shares. That doesn't seem to be the case here.

I suggest you have a corporate lawyer look this over - it seems like a sloppy setup right now, with someone at the helm that doesn't really understand the corporate structuring and its impact on a startup.

In reality - an LLC is 100% cool for the stage you are at - and a heck of a lot simpler to deal with.

We can always hop on a call for a few minutes, and I can give you some more feedback, and intro you to a few very strong attorneys that practice in this space.

I've been where you are - it kind of sucks :)

I think you need to do a bit of a reset on your personal mindset - Effective agile management is never a "nice to have" - its what keeps things flowing, working, and on time.

To that end - do you know who your ideal client really is?

Let's break down your options (per your question):

Startups - If not funded, move on. You don't need equity, you need revenue. If they are funded it could be a good fit..

Creative Agencies - I think you're giving creative agencies too much credit here - you need to narrow that down. Are you looking at marketing and advertising agencies, or software development shops? The former usually is...lost?... when it comes to Agile, so you'll have a bit of educational work involved, the latter more than likely is already agile by nature. I've also found that sometimes agencies will shy away from outsourcing things like project management (its a control issue).

Solo guys - this all comes down to one question - "Do they have money?"

I'm sure you feel a bit like you're in a rock and a hard place. There are clearly some variables here that I'm not covering, but would in a chat. The bottom line is that you need to get a handle on WHO you want to work with, WHAT you are solving for them, and WHY your services are better than what they are currently doing.

People buy solution, not prevention. With that in mind, you should be able to find a starting point.

If you would like to have a chat, schedule one with me - My team and I do growth strategies for businesses of all sizes, and if we have a chat here on Clarity, and I think I can help, I'd be willing to do an in depth 45 minute session with you for free.

Based on your question - it seems like you really are looking for (at least) two different strategies.


You have two different target markets: B2B & final (end) users.

It would seem foolish to try to go after them within a single strategy, seeing as they are really not related to each other, right?

So - Question 1 that you need to be able to answer:
Are you CREATING games, or providing GAMIFICATION development services? Depending on that answer, it would lead you to your next step...

Which is -> Who is your ideal client or customer? I'm a firm believer of doing one thing EXTREMELY WELL, and once that has been conquered, then moving on to another. So which one of those markets is your sweet spot? What does your ideal client look like, what do they do, what are their motivations?

Once you have figured out those two things, you can then start to develop a growth strategy that will actually be effective.

If you don't know, or haven't gone through the exercise of identifying your ideal market/client, and really understand both SWOT (Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and market competitor analysis, then you are not ready to start a campaign - it will just be a waste of time, effort, and, most importantly, capital.

If you want, we can have a chat - either here on clarity, or at - if you use that link you get me for 45 minutes for free. Just saying :)

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