
I've thought of an awesome simple social network (not as broad as facebook and nothing like it, dont compare. But this one could be more of tumblr/twitter but again not as broad). Now where I'm stuck is, should I create it as a mobile app.. or a website? The concept can work well on both the platforms (mobile and web) but as mobile is more portable and there are more chances of getting initial traction (through the appstores), I was thinking to build it as a mobile app (and maybe in future expand it to web too) Thoughts?

If you create a website and use responsive web design (the website automatically changes the way it looks on different screen sizes), you can have your cake and eat it too. :)

The website would be usable from a large screened device (like a laptop) and if it is accessed via a small screen (like a smartphone), it will "reformat" the way it looks to make it usable on a small screen.

You can go one step further and create a mobile app which will create a "webview" of the website. Thus, when people open the mobile app, they "see" the website and interact with it the way they would with an app.

I have experience in responsive web design, smartphone development, and implementing webviews in smartphone apps. Please give me a call if you would like more information about these subjects.


Answered 10 years ago

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