
My company,, has a good web analytics/heatmap app that is currently desktop browser-only. The problem is, so what? There are dozens maybe more offerings out there. Their advantage is ease of use, affordability, and objectively the best heatmaps in the market. I'm trying to figure out how to make these videos and convey the values very clearly, because most people don't think much about analytics. The general attitude is, "I have Google Analytics, which is free, and it's Google, so it must be the best right?" *facepalm*

I met these guys at the INBOUND14 confrence in Boston last year. Their pricing was way better than many things I was quoted before and they really do draw all thins by hand. They had a guy sketching people while there. They should be able to take you from start to finish within the scope of the project.

Answered 10 years ago

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