
Hi, I provide database administration services. My clients can call (and they do) 24x7 if there is an issue with database. And I don't mind. In the past I have been charging hourly for that. But don't think this is smart on my part. 1h during vacation, weekend, or off-hours is worth more. What are the options of charging for this type of support? The best I could come up with so far is: - charge $X per month where 3h of support are included. - If there is more than 3h per month those get charged at 2x normal billable rate. What do you think? Thank you!

The best way is to create an app or a website that connects to paypal which automatically allows customer to call or create ticket as well as charge the customer based on timings. For example if the customer open your website or app during day it would be X dollars and if they visit it at 2.00AM then X+Y Dollars. I would not advise subscription model if they do not frequently call you.

Answered 10 years ago

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