
I will be helping business owners negotiate with suppliers, JV partners, acquisition targets, customers, etc. I can save them from thousands to millions depending on the size of the deal. It will be risk-free because I will only charge a success fee. I am already aware of LinkedIn, obviously. Any other suggestions?

You're going to want a comprehensive marketing strategy that determines where your likely customers spend their time online and you'll want to focus on one to two channels that you will work to their maximum benefit until you feel they are saturated. You probably also want to think about enabling technologies that will allow you to scale your inputs so you don't have to wear yourself out services clients while your business development suffers. There are a lot of "it depends" in your question. It's not enough to "find" if you don't have an engagement strategy of what you will do when you find them. I'd be happy to talk through this with you and point you in the right direction. All of my work is related to B2B sales of this nature.

Answered 8 years ago

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