Ben MitzelfeltOwner at Just Bee Cosmetics

Founder of Just Bee Cosmetics and contributing partner to Iguaneye Fresh Shoe and other successful Kickstarter and international crowd funded projects. Business consultant for music and film projects, with over 20 years of failing and succeeding in business and entrepreneurial ventures, including startups, restaurants, and hotels.

20 min Business Idea Flash Evaluation
Got an idea but don’t know if it will work? Let’s quickly talk it out and I will give it to you straight, no frills assessment based on market access and execution. Our conversation is completely confidential and can be covered by your NDA. Before you take that first step, call and I can save you from making the wrong one.

Entrepreneur Coaching
Let’s knock that trough of sorrow in the teeth and work together to get you back on the road to fulfilling your vision. I have been there and know what it is like to question everything. If you are the only one in your company, or can’t talk to your co-founders about it, don’t face it alone.

Recent Answers

I would be able to talk this over with you, but broadly speaking you would be talking with the sales team at the corporate level. Or General Manager at the individual property.

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$ 4.17/ min

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