
Results for: Hospitality

I don't think the service you are envisioning is a new concept, but it might not exist at scale as a packaged Saas product. If you have not encountered it yet and you are actively looking for it, it could mean that it either does not exist yet or there is a big opportunity to become that authorit...


: Hospital buyers of medical devices contract with manufacturers with market power that sell differentiated products. The medical staff strongly influences hospitals’ choice of devices. Sellers have sought to limit disclosure of transaction prices. Policy- makers have proposed legislation mandati...


I think you'd have a good market if you started with hotels like Ace, etc. who want to be trendy and using local consumer brands. There are probably several ways to monetize this. 1) Work with the hospitality companies to curate the brands that they want to represent their company. You can cha...


It's hard to tell from your question what you have / don't have. Do you have an MVP? Do you have people using the 'discovery tool' yet? It will be hard to get any restaurant to pay you anything unless you have a deployed MVP already. You'll need to show them actual data of the value of your too...


I would disagree with Laura's advice about allowing your communication system to operate in-tandem to what you're trying to displace. Hospital staff have very little appetite to learn or adopt new systems, especially for mission-critical work. I also disagree with the idea that your competitors...


Try Starting at the (Very) Top ; with (Very Senior) HR Officers. One of the Very First Things which I (Swiftly) Learnt about Empowering the Spouses of High Achievers in Medicine , Healthcare , Finance , Academia , Technology , Politics and Law (etc) , 'ab initio' , is that a Substantial Percenta...


You need to fully understand marketing to hospitals, the FDA, and how clinical trial management works. I would highly recommend finding a local friend/advisor/investor/etc. who is a doctor involved in clinical trials or better yet a clinical trial manager. There are a lot of hoops to get a clin...


My family is in the hotel business. I can tell that we would have absolutely no interest in doing this. We make sure out employees look after our property and provide great customer service. We do not have down time for them. We run a tight ship. The liability and other headaches that come with...


Hi Sounds like you've done a good job so far ("consistent users and daily downloads"). Well done. You're welcome to message me with more details and I'll let you know if I can help. Good luck


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