Qamar Zaman Personal Branding ExpertPress Release Distribution Online

National Branding and Press Release Distribution
Lawyer SEO Expert & High-Value Attorney Marketing using SEO, Social Media (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube) For Law Firms.
Qamar Zaman is High Case SEO Expert for Serious Law Firms.

As an attorney marketing expert Qamar has over 15 years of lawyer marketing experience and a stellar record. Qamar has helped several law firms attract more cases through his expertise as a high ticket lawyer marketing consultant.

My14 Step Promise

Founder & Chief Visionary of One SEO Company | Getting Local Business Owners & Lawyers Quality Leads Through Specialized Digital Marketing

I am an SEO expert, attorney marketing growth specialist, and founder of Dallas based One SEO Company. I’m also a member of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) which is an international community that works together to develop web standards.

For 17+ years I have specialized in lawyer marketing. The unique advantage is that we focus on getting lawyer’s quality cases and not just high web rankings. I know lawyers are busy, and I understand that managing the firm takes time away from their practice so I provide solutions for predictable and profitable results.

My consulting services include:
A search engine optimized website that converts calls into cases
Visibility on top sites like CNN, Huffington Post, and Forbes
Google Adwords Pay-Per-Click that offers low-cost acquisition
Organic and Holistic Link Building

➡ To learn how you can get quality cases for your firm schedule a call:
Search Engine Friendly Website Design
Same Day Support
No Hidden Charges (Flat Rate Pricing)
You Own All The Assets – Website & All SEO
1 Client Per Market
Cases NOT Spam
Page 1 Google Rankings
Reporting using Google Analytics
Trained legal writers (US Based)
Video Optimization Included
Weekly Blog Writing and Google Hangouts Included
12Your News Distributed on Large Newswires (CNN, PR Newswire & More)
Direct Access to Search Engine Optimization Engineer
Social Media Marketing (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & over Web 2.0) Included
Also on my LinkedIn

Recent Answers

There is a an old adage. If you want to know what "John Smith" buys you must see the world through their eye. Having said that. You need to identify what pain do you solve. Dig deeper and find why should people do business.
Once you know your ideal customer and what pain killer you offer find the people on Facebook. if you need my help connect with me on LinkedIn and I can show you some techniques. Or book a free session with me

Simple. If this person adds value another cant, they should not have an issue. However, if you really want to test if he can add value and not just someone who all talk no action you can bring him on the value-based package. Someone who is value driven will not have an issue. Deserve and desire.

I would create a sub domain. Use
That way it can be a branded website. This way you can keep the new name under new UI and not confuse the existing users.
By keeping under sub domain you can also pass the domain authority of main. if they are different product or services I would recommend Silo each other. if you need help how to solve I can offer free consultation on this platform. In Return for a good review as a teacher.

1) The best way to look at your data. Depending on what platform you use for example: Google Analytics first take a look at your GA account. Pay close attention to top pages, referring sources, time on site of those and bounce rate etc.
2) Find someone with similar niche and discuss these issues.
3) Use FREE tools like AHREF, Majestic SEO etc.
4) Similar web is a good website also.

I would create 2 long pages 1000 words each. Good for SEO.
Then add blog promoting each page.
each page should address user intent with answers and addressing the value each product provides.

Then Week 2 write a press release promoting each page.
and share the page content in small chucks on social media linking back to each page.

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