Vincent PoI help B2B companies ignite sales.

I have over 20 years experience selling and marketing to big companies around the world. I love creating sales & marketing systems that help you automate & grow your sales.

I'm originally from Canada and worked for one of the largest computer distributors in Western Canada.

I've spent the last 18+ years based in Asia but developing markets all over the world (Asia, Middle-East, Africa, UK, Europe, North America).

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First, I’m seeing some clues that one issue is of qualification. Are you even approaching the RIGHT business owners?

Your marketing should be qualifying / disqualifying leads before they reach you (if you’re in sales).

One of the biggest elements & causes for low sales conversions (over the last two decades selling to companies) is going after (targeting) the WRONG leads.

Second, without seeing how you present or discuss your analytics solution to prospective clients, I’m taking an educated guess here, your messaging may be focused too much on analytics itself instead of the ROI value and outcomes for the business owner.

E.g. No business owner really cares about “analytics”, but they do care about being able to easily know where to allocate their budget/funds to generate higher ROI (which is the result & outcomes from access to good analytics).

Without knowing much detail about your product/service, these are two areas I’d review:

1) Targeting & qualification
2) The message being presented to your prospects

Poor conversions are usually caused by a couple of factors:

1) Poor targeting or your targeting is off. This is usually the #1 cause for a campaign and/or conversions to perform badly.

You'll want to go back and do a very detailed and comprehensive profiling exercise of your ideal customer base.

Usually, I'd start here.

2) The next most common cause for poor conversions is your offer/messaging is not compelling enough to the traffic you're sending.

This goes back to doing a comprehensive customer profiling which also directs you to what would be of interest to your audience and the kind of messaging that would resonate better with them.

If you don't have the above correct, it's going to be a waste of money to add additional channels.

For B2B, Google and Linked are really the best sources of traffics, so it wouldn't be about looking at other channels I think, it would be revisiting your targeting and offer.

There isn't a lot of details in this question, so I'll be making some assumptions here.

1) Have a clear focus on WHO you're targeting. This is the #1 biggest mistake I see businesses/sales make. Going after everyone is the quickest way to low conversions and poor morale.

2) Have a clear list of qualifying criteria for who you'll be targeting/speaking to. If you sell with proposals for example, proposals take a lot of time, you should have a clear list of criteria for who you'll send a proposal to and who you won't.

Spend most of your time working out #1 and #2 before doing anything else.

3) Ask questions about the prospect/client's business and then let them answer. The key to better sales is asking good questions.
e.g. why are you considering product/service ABC? What is the biggest challenge you're facing right now with this issue? What would be the cost to you to leave this challenge unresolved? What have you tried in the past? etc

4) It's not about your product or service. Once you've asked the questions and received enough answers, prescribe like a doctor, how/why your product/service helps the prospect/client's issues.

5) Never make assumptions. Instead of cold-calling or cold-messaging a prospect and saying "Need help with your sales? etc" that's a bad way to start (I get tons of these types of messages). Why is this bad? It assumes the prospect is not doing well without even knowing their business at all. It's presumptuous.

Instead, offer a complimentary diagnostic/assessment of their business or whatever area you focus on. This shows you want to understand their business and possibly prescribe something that makes sense for them vs just assuming everyone needs/wants what you're offering.

6) If you get a good response to your approach, don't forget to follow-up, follow-up, follow-up

7) Sales is not about changing someone's mind from No to Yes. It's about getting in front of the right people who already want to say Yes, your job is to make sure they say Yes to you.

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