
I'm the founder of an oversees design agency and want to attract projects & clients from the US. Due to the current exchange rate we can offer great rates plus the quality of our work is, honestly, very good. We've decided to find someone that can find prospects for our agency. Could you recommend how can we get someone on board for this?

Tough question. Prior to 2008 it wasn't too bad but since 2012 especially finding commission-based reps has been difficult.

In 2011 I created an agency for a management consulting firm. At that time I could still count on responses to ads.

But in 2012 response was non-existent. I also hired companies whose specific USP was finding commission-based salespeople...and not one was able to send me serious candidates.

Ads posted have been responded to with hate: "Why can't you afford to pay a wage" and much worse.

Frankly, sales skills are valuable and anyone competent in selling is in demand. Most people do not believe in themselves or realize they are responsible for and create their own income. So people who can sell are going to go where they're immediately rewarded.

Sure, you can try the "churn and burn" approach--one I do not advocate at all--but I guarantee you'll get stuck in a quicksand of finding, training, losing and replacing reps.

I dislike being negative and not having a solution, but when the companies that say they specialize in this area can't deliver, what's left but to move on to another arrangement?

Answered 10 years ago

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