
Results for: APIs

Did you try ? Lean analytics is pretty much a tailored, evolving, improving and living artifact . It needs to be tailored as per your business needs, priorities, stage in business etc.. E.g A validation stage startup and a growth stage needs completely different an...


Hosting the trailer on your site without permission is definitely not allowed, but you are probably allowed to embed a YouTube player with the video. In that situation you'd only need to check YouTube's terms of use, not the original copyright holder (disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer and the legal si...


Hey - as both one of the people behind Clarity, and a very active Clarity expert, I can give you a really simple step that will help a ton. There are other great suggestions in this thread - but this one will help get things moving the fastest. Go to:


Your question does not provide any further details as to what the exact purpose of these SSMs might be. Under such circumstances I believe you must understand what SSM is in its truest sense and then go for hiring process. You can check out these links:


People face problems – real problems they may or may not see ... problems you might help them fix. If you're not fully established yet, then you must pitch your services to people who haven't fully realized that they need you. Trouble is, people are naturally reluctant to pay for advice. And t...


If you're looking to build a service like Xero that imports users bank transactions and balances, you've got a few options. Xero uses Yodlee on the back end to power their bank feeds. As I understand it, it's rather old school and often errors out, but supports a huge range of banks through scr...


1. Get your marketing collateral together. Your case study and testimonials from your beta trial. Make sure you have a demo app ready so you can walk into any medical clinic and show the product on the spot. 2. For this industry, perhaps consider a small digital signage campaign. If you don't kn...


Most payment processors on the internet have a Recurring Billing option to bill for a specific interval for a specific recurrence count. I recall specifically does it and can meet PCI compliance. Most processors offer recurring option but may not provide a daily option. You may ...


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