You will always be your best PR agency. Because if you can't sell yourself, then no one will be able to sell / market you. In my experience, when I start something with money as the focus I fail. However when I work to create something amazing for others, I win and win big. My advice is to fo...
To directly answer your question, different products have different requirements and are subject to different regulations. And each product and product category should be evaluated individually. You can check the government link for some related info.
This is a complex topic. Far more complex than can be answered in here. Best to hire an expert to help you with this, because Google will penalize you if they visit the same URL multiple times where different content is returned. You can research this yourself by digging into the Google Search...
Truly educational and social impact projects are wonderful ways to impact on the society. recently, i did a project on MENTAL HEALTH ACTION PLAN with WHO under the International MUN platform as a volunteer and it was wonderful experience because i used social marketing strategies to move my proje...
Security including protecting intellectual properties comes in layers. I have been employed by several people on different projects and these are some things I noticed my employers did to protect their work. Limit access to codes Have a strong employee contract Have very clear employee policies ...
reCAPTCHA, developed by Google, is commonly used as a free service to protect websites from spam and abuse. While it's difficult to provide specific information about complaints or dissatisfaction points from individuals using reCAPTCHA on a paid basis (as it is primarily offered as a free servic..., or just contact us at :-)
So, is the charity whats receiving the funding or is your for-profit company. From the sounds of it, it seems the for-profit company is more important than the for charity. I would raise money for your for-profit company and create a structure that when your "profit" company does "X,"you're not f...
Okay so I am going to lead by saying I have a bias regarding crowdfunding. Now on to my answer: Kickstarter is for products not companies. If you create a good product and do a kickstarter campaign you will be able to use the funds raised for the product to build your company. https://www.crow...
You know, I think your question has been sitting here for a while because you are in a very niche market. I apologize for not having a prompt response. You are right the equipment for this is expensive. Do your homework and post ads through craiglist. Ask on Quora about where to find or who has ...