Hello, I might be interested. My name is Humberto Valle. Feel free to Google me and let me know if you would like to partner.
I suggest you make a competition, let the designers send you suggestions for your application and you choose the best one, you will save both time and money, if you need more information, feel free to contact me.
Mobile app that has launched: You need ALL of the following: 1) Trending towards or at 100000 installs within first 90 days of launch; 2) Day 30 retention rate of at least 20% 3) Core "MTM" (metric that matters) healthy (dependent on business model, usage model etc) 4) Evidence that growth is j...
Hi, Apple cleary states the guidelines on what you can and what you can't sell on appStore from this guide: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/StoreKitGuide/Chapters/Products.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008267-CH2-SW2 IAPP basically applies to c...
Hi Valentin, Have you considered splitting the research phase and the development phase? You can quote a fixed amount for the research phase (I'm sure you can estimate this in weeks and take the hit if you go over). You can say to the client that you will quote the development once the research ...
They did many years ago. The app was not updated for some time after purchased by Startups.com. As a result, Apple flagged it and removed it from the App Store. It was convenient and much easier to stay connected with callers, experts, and incoming messages.
I would offer them a proposal to reveal their source to you in exchange for a small percentage or fixed amount of each unit ordered. You would also need to structure the offer in such a way as to guaranty that you would not compete with them or circumvent them, if they agree then you would need ...
I recommend developing a short survey with an incentive for completion, optional contact info questions at the end + interest in participating in an online focus group in the future. Then requesting the opportunity to post on private group boards dedicated to either LearnDash users *OR* PK-12 tea...
Yes! Here are a few more tips that may be useful when planning and hosting a virtual conference or online event: 1. Choose a date that is both feasible and convenient for participants - You don't want your conference to be too difficult to attend, or too inconvenient for participants. Choose a d...
Yes, there are many software solutions available that can help you start a marketplace similar to TaskRabbit. TaskRabbit is a popular online platform that connects individuals or businesses with local service providers for various tasks and services. If you're looking to build a similar marketpl...