All successful sales come from the customer realizing that something of great value is being provided. Therefore, to be an entrepreneur, a person should be searching for something that many people will assess as having great value. In other words, look for something you can design once, and sell ...
You should be looking at both your overall CPA from all sources and also CPA for each individual source. Your goal should be to get the most out of every dollar you're spending on your paid advertising campaigns, which means figuring out which channels give you the most ROI and putting more budge...
To build on what Sarah said - you can also look within channel if you have access to someone with the technical chops. Some ad groups or campaigns could be driving "worst" leads and others could be driving "best" ones. To cut off the channel is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. UTM tag...
Lead generation is very important - more importantly, being aware of what works best to keep a steady stream of leads coming in to the top of your sales funnel. There are a number of ways to ensure you have leads, but before you get there, it's important that you understand your customer. By crea...
I'm answering with the assumption that you are going to deploy this B2B rather than B2C. Developing traction before the fact for business or enterprise solutions can be tough - you can't presell them in the way that you can with a widget, you can't drive masses of consumer traffic to them to t...
Relentlessly obsess over the problem facing your ideal B2B client and how you will solve that problem for them. I've written hundreds of thousands of words on this topic on my blog: The highlights are: 1. Know your goals and objectives 2. How how you will measure your perf...
If you're a non U.S. corporate group and you're looking to expand operations into the U.S., generally the first step is to form a separate legal entity within the U.S. For example, you can form a Delaware C corporation which is 100% owned by your non-U.S. parent company. In order to protect the...
I would create the best geo-targeted group blog for a specific large metro. (And then roll them out across the country or even around the world.) What most businesses need is a way to reach their local target audience. When you create the very best local site that can be grown organically offline...
The best thing to do is to do physical, on-the-ground outreach. Part of the success of Tinder as well as many other apps before it were that they threw great parties and events on or near college campuses. The promise of free booze, free food, or really free anything will draw a crowd. Start i...
I've always hired only ridiculously brilliant engineers and those that were either entrepreneurs or entrepreneurially minded (i.e. attended startup weekend, contributed to open source, blogged, etc). The best way to find them is to go to the events they attend. Typically it's developer meetups,...