Few things to consider here, definitely would want to be looking at vesting the equity, good article on that here to get you started: http://thestartuptoolkit.com/blog/2013/02/equity-basics-vesting-cliffs-acceleration-and-exits/. I'd also be looking at a technical gun to be reviewing him from a ...
I can help with registering your brand with Amazon. Contact me if you would like to talk.
I had the same need 6 months ago. I tried 7 legal firms that called themselves "disruptive start-ups" but they could not provide a) timely services b) a modest amount of customer service c) a fixed price or d) any combination of a) b) or c). In the end I went with an established law firm that did...
Eastern Europe is a big place and each country has different requirements and constraints for money transfer. So, it really depends on the desitnation you are sending money to. The most common type of payment is wire transfer, as many countries in that region don't allow PayPal. If PayPal is ava...
Experience is the key. Never hire a guru who doesn't have at least some grey hair. Don't take this statement literally, but look for experience when choosing a coach. Not experience as a coach, but experience as a person, a business person, marketer, or related to any topic for which you are seek...
Purchase the building as a corporation. Each of you owning 25% of the corp. I would also suggest detailing the business agreement within the corporation. Seek the advise of a lawyer to do this properly.
It is likely that google copyrights its images and that your work would be considered a derivative, which is infringement. You might argue fair use or that it's not copyrightable because it's not creative enough, but that is likely a losing argument. Try getting your own non-infringing photos.
Not a canadian lawyer. You should go find a lawyer that knows these things, doesn't mean you can't keep your old one ut if he doesn't know then you need to seek out a specialist that does for that specific matter.
In the US, terms and conditions do not override the law of the land. Depending on the exact situation, and intent, I would suspect that an entity could make the case for fraud, trademark infringement, theft, or copyright violation. The practice will likely get you blacklisted by any search engi...
I developed and published mobile apps as an individual for several years, and only formed a corporation later as things grew and it made sense. As far as Apple's App Store and Google Play are concerned, you can register as an individual developer without having a corporation. I'd be happy to he...