This is personal opinion, more than an answer. You really needed to decide all this when you first set up the company. You needed to discuss with your partner how much money he was bringing to the table, and if not money the value of his contribution to the company. In the end CEO, COO, CT...
Hi, I'm not in Oregon so you'll need to speak to a local tax expert to verify the details but here is how it works: When you issue points you're creating a liability. You owe something to someone. It's like a gym which sells a one-year membership, they're only supposed to recognize 1/12 of the...
I own a software development company based in Dallas, Texas and over the years have experienced several of the issues mentioned in your post. Never start work with a client before having a signed contract in hand. The contract is the first step to making sure that both parties understand the e...
I'm not a lawyer but I've dealt with similar matters in the past. Technically the author of the post, but you as the publisher you can be liable for the content specially if you don't publish the original credits.
If that's illegal, then there are a lot of criminals walking free and raking in money. Copycat startups are everywhere.
Before litigating on one another, why don't you instruct your respective legal counsel not to sue, but rather to MEDIATE and come up with a FAIR solution for both parties based on: hard dollars invested, sweat equity and ideas. And before you even spend your after-tax dollars as an entrepreneur t...
I am an investor and advisor and have been structuring deals like this for many years. You can provide equity in the parent if you do not spinoff, provided that the people you provide the equity to agree to it in advance and you comply with all existing shareholders agreements and securities laws...
You should start first by not asking for free legal advice in a place where anyone can answer. That's a great way to get caught in a major headache down the road.
First, you should look for lawyers who specialize in class action lawsuits. To find such lawyers, you can google, or contact the Bar Association in your state. You mentioned the victims are low on cash. Yes, lawyers will work for a future payment, but you have to find such lawyers, and ask if ...
Typically I use Dun & Bradstreet ( for vendor or customer credit lookup. They have good customer service and very accurate information.