Approach it as if you were applying for a position in an organization. You will want to find the right industry, the right management team, the right opening on the board [either governance or advisory], the right person to help you. Next create a statement that says why you on this board. Then s...
OK someone actually flagged me for spam??? I wrote a book on how to build advisory boards. It directly answers the question posed. I don't make my living off my book. I wrote it to help entrepreneurs. if you want help, then contact me. If not, then good luck. Wow!!
The point of advising is to have fun but it's also to align with the upside of the business. So the things to consider / ensure are. - Are they venture backeable ... if they don't plan (or you don't see them being able to) raise venture capital, then being a formal advisor (with equity) won't mat...
I've had many "Advisors" over the years and I like to break them up into 2 groups. 1) Formal Advisors These are people who strategic insights into the business and would create value for the company by having them listed on our site, and have access to them in an ongoing way. I typically engag...
Ask, Ask, Ask, then Ask again. Bonus: Here is $10,000 worth of information for free and in a nutshell. Concentrate on the 3 M's. There are actually 7, but 3 will do for now. These are Market, Message, and Media. They come in that order. Who is your target market (customer, clients, buyers, us...
The way I've always built my Customer Advisory Board (I call them my A-Team, Advisory Team - just sounds cooler) Before Launch - Find users who currently have the problem and have already solved it themselves. After Launch - Find users who are active / using the app AND have not asked to be on ...
There are two types of advisory boards: For show (i.e. credibility) or for help. They should intersect but often don't. The "For Show" advisory boards are usually no more than 5 (though I've seen up to 10) and are meant to demonstrate a significant depth of subject-matter expertise and credibi...
Did you try adding him on Linked In? Its works insanely well - just include a thoughtful message about why you want to be connected and most will accept
"Is it worth my time?" Given that the compensation from an advisory board is equity in a private company with no actual market for it's securities, this is really the most important question. The likelihood that advisory board compensation will result in real financial compensation is very low,...
There is no such list and that's not the way you'd make a connection with a great advisor anyway. First, your best advisor won't care that your company is based in Southeast Asia. Focus on identifying people who have significant expertise and credibility in your business area. Make your own ...