
Results for: Amazon

List your item against the wrong UPC code. This provided Amazon with all the correct information, including the correct photo. Then go back and mark your inventory at zero.. keep an eye on this as you don't want to sell the item as you might not have the wrong item to ship. Then email Amazon wi...


there is many alternative for you to advertise your product in absential of Amazon.... you can make use of Alibaba, Wish for fast service


Yes; if you do a presale, those buyers will get the book immediately upon release. Include a message in either the front or back matter that encourages them to leave a review once they finish the book. You should also encounter them to join your mailing list, that way you can continue to build a ...


Book arbitrage can be a great way to make extra income with Amazon FBA but it's not for everybody. While I don't have specific experience with the program you posted, I looked at the web page to see what they are all about. First, the link opened 10 identical browser tabs which is pretty suspec...


Here are some lists I found. Do you think that the competitors listed here are true competitors or just similar?


This is a common challenge for e-commerce brands. Amazon sales can quickly grow and account for an excessive percentage of total revenue leading to concentration risk. So diversifying your revenue sources is important but not always easy to accomplish. If you're operating your own e-commerce web...


Simple answers for simple problems - Three quick options that can be used solo or together. For Amazon, you have to get in the Buy Box on the product detail page. Also, having a high amount of positive feedback and the lowest price helps - as well as shipping out for Prime customers. 1. Ge...


Not any way that I can think of. I would trust Amazon's judgement on this one. They want to sell your book just as much as you do.


These are all specific questions you need to be taking to a Tax attorney, or accountant. The laws are varied on all of your issues and need to come from one of the places I just suggestied, and not from a get help site. Good luck


I'd need to understand a bit more about your business, but I suspect one answer is to work toward getting an accounts receivable-based credit line. Amazon is a good company that pays it's bills. Lenders will either loan against the Amazon receivables or buy them from you at a discount. This ap...


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