It depends. Do you have a documented view of your prospective customer journey?. If not, this is a thing you should do You must have heard this before. Any product or service could be a vitamin (good to have), pain killer(temporary relief) or a pain reliever (long term relief). What kind of p...
If I may ask, "What's your definition of *mean* marketing?" In my more than a decade experience with companies, people have always asked for smart ways to market a product or service. I haven't found anyone trying to be *mean* with customers, as the word definitely doesn't carries a positive conn...
chartboost is good for free apps. and facebook mobile app instals is good for paid apps.
Government grants would be your best avenue. To not have to give up IP or equity.
If you're asking about how to *start* spreading the word, my fear for you is that you haven't done sufficient customer development to validate the need for your app and inform your core product thesis. Failure to do so will almost always end-up in product failure. If this is the case, you might...
If you need instant revenue, a PPC campaign might be the best approach. I would always suggest hiring a person or agency to manage that unless you have someone on staff that focuses on that alone. Doing PPC yourself is easy, but it's rarely the most profitable way to go due to the nuances that ar...
Hard to say with no information, but... I would always suggest starting with the community your customers belong to. 1. Try and get relevant music blogs writing about your app. 2. Look for tweeters who are big influencers of your potential customers and see if you can get them interested...
What I'm going to offer something that is a bit tricky and you need to use it with a lot of caution. It will also require some development. One of the ways of growing fast and get additional users is by having current/ new subscribers to send their contact list a notification that they have joine...
You may think many users automatically prohibit the sending of push notifications and that may be the case for those who feel push notifications are intrusive and annoying. That being said, research actually indicates that app retention and engagement are up In fact, 68% of users opt-in to push ...
Your best bet to get traction quickly in USA is to advertise on mobile ad networks. You may need to advertise on CPM/CPC basis instead of CPI if you have a paid app so make sure you understand your user lifetime value and watch conversion rates closely so you don't overspend. That said, dependin...