
Results for: B2B

One of the most important things to have in mind is that every step in the process of entering data into the CRM should help the sales rep to advance in his sales process. To many CRMs are emphasizing on data for management and reporting on stuff that doesn't help the sale forward.


The trial period is your courtship period, and the best opportunity to convert the user into a paying customer. Areas of focus - on boarding communication that includes welcome email, on boarding education of the platform, links to additional material on product/service - timely communication th...


Choosing a business name is a real hang up for some people. I've met would-be entrepreneurs that get so hung up on the perfect name that they never start! That being said a great name is very important. Gone are the days when a name has to have any industry specific meaning (look at Google, Twitt...


Is impossible to give you any advice w/o any further information. Can you elaborate for me please? I'd be more than happy to help you out on this. Google me and email me if you wish.


Here are a few factors I would look at: - Mobile Friendly - Page Load Speed Testing - Competitor Analysis - Typical Industry Conversion Rates A few other things to look at I would recommend would be: - Look at insights/data from companies that do a lot of testing with different designs and con...


People hate calls. People hate emails. People hate mail. Do you really want your first impression to be that of an interloper and a pusher? Then again, most recipients aren't event going to look at what you send them. What is your niche? Office managers for private family healthcare providers i...


It's sort of an own vs. rent question. You can get advice on demand from someone on clarity whenever you want, but it's not likely they will go to bat (or go to bat for free) in the same way someone with equity will. I viciously defended equity in my first company but my partner and I were respo...


The perfect strategy is to show your client what their benefit and return on investment would be on this specific advertisement. This is what they are looking for from your pitch. It is great if you show them a positive benefit that they will receive from the advertisement. An example would be a ...


As the business or product is not described, I will answer it for a general SaaS product. Think from the reseller's point of view. Why will you try to sell it to your community (users/clients/followers). Don't think only about revenue opportunities, but opportunities at all. 1. Commissions, fir...


Hi, First of all, well done for all the amazing things that you've already done. This in itself is already a great achievement. You are correct about the processes that you need to do and if I understand your question, you want to know how you can recruit the relevant professional with a limite...


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