Angel groups don't necessarily get that involved. You would want to look for angels that have that background and are looking for active engagement with it's clients. I actually work in this space on behalf of some investors if you would like to talk.
This product is very interesting. I would love to learn more. I am Arizona based Strategy professional, as in I am an actual graduated strategy professional, not just a self touting one. I honestly, don't see any difference in what you are selling whether is white label or not. I know there is a...
A better question to ask in my polite opinion is what offer you make that cannot be refused, to paraphrase Godfather, and to whom. You have to analyze your competition and your business deeply. Then define what is the intersection of a large market, great proposition, ability to service, and uniq...
It's a difficult one to answer because Hubspot is a continuously evolving platform. What isn't working so well today will be great tomorrow. The speed at which they are developing is mind blowing. I've been watching this now for 1.5 years and it's pretty amazing. They're doing some pretty cool s...
Find organizations that are already sponsoring or buying gamification for their online marketing, and approach them. If you make gaming apps, look at who is already promoting their products or services through similar means. You have a common issue here which is this: for most prospects, you'll...
This is a good question, thank you for asking it. I'm sure there are many business owners and newbie entrepreneurs who constantly wake up with the sweats trying to make ends meet by increasing their lead generation, strengthen their pipeline, and increase conversions. At the end of the day, it's ...
I would go for the direct client contact-approach for several reasons: - It sounds like you are still searching for exact client requirements. You will get those from talking to the clients directly. - You are not sure, whether your clients are enough tech-savvy that redd-it makes sense. This p...
B2B or B2C, at the end of the day.... you're dealing with "P2P" People to People. If your message is relevant within the context, you will get a high rate of response. Based on our experience, we start by doing research into the demo and where they live. And create highly targeted video camp...
Start with which allows you to start with very good list, as they mail massively every day. And a postcard sequence can quickly churn out (butter churn causing cream to rise) the "cream" of every list which will produce your highest profits. These guys manage intersect...
Using their logo implies that they are truly partners / customers of yours. Is this the case? It not, it is grossly misleading. Otherwise, I would check with them, out of courtesy. They may not want their competitors knowing what software services they use. I don't believe you are legally obli...