
Results for: B2C

Choosing a business name is a real hang up for some people. I've met would-be entrepreneurs that get so hung up on the perfect name that they never start! That being said a great name is very important. Gone are the days when a name has to have any industry specific meaning (look at Google, Twitt...


Is impossible to give you any advice w/o any further information. Can you elaborate for me please? I'd be more than happy to help you out on this. Google me and email me if you wish.


Here are a few factors I would look at: - Mobile Friendly - Page Load Speed Testing - Competitor Analysis - Typical Industry Conversion Rates A few other things to look at I would recommend would be: - Look at insights/data from companies that do a lot of testing with different designs and con...


People hate calls. People hate emails. People hate mail. Do you really want your first impression to be that of an interloper and a pusher? Then again, most recipients aren't event going to look at what you send them. What is your niche? Office managers for private family healthcare providers i...


great questions - we see this situation with our clients pretty frequently at my firm. based on my own years of SaaS/tech sales, marketing and project management experience, I would say the path most likely to get adoption is actually discovered before the demo is delivered, rather than after. ...


From everything I've seen, 20-35% is definitely the sweet spot. It certainly depends on the price point and some people start lower but build in incentive criteria to bump the percentage up after a certain milestones have been met.


Do you have anything to show him? Find out what his timeline is and what his goals are and see if you can deliver Also make sure this fits your own goals (Have you set any?) What are the delays in your development pipeline? Will this interest help resolve any?


Great question, I've dealt with this exact same issue. I've found the best way to look at this problem is by analyzing the problem you are solving for this "lighthouse." Is this something they would build anyway? If so, how much would it cost? Anything less than that is probably a win for them. I...


My recommendation would be to outsource for as long as possible and focus your time and energy elsewhere. Build the simplest, least expensive solution possible and test whether there is sufficient marketplace demand for the concept before investing one dime more than necessary. Cheers, Frank


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