
Results for: B2C

Good question - digital B2B is definitely a particular challenge. One factor that determines the approach is the nature of your potential buyers' online habits. For example, if a significant percentage of your potential buyers use X social network, it makes sense to develop strategic marketing ...


I was just speaking with a colleague about this as we are both starting new startups and were reflecting on our previous projects together. In hindsight we recognize that one of the main challenges was proper expectation setting around adoption and engagement. If someone else is setting those exp...


If $100/month is too much, then likely this business is in to early a life cycle stage to justify a CRM. My suggestion is you use which starts at $50/month.


From an overall messaging standpoint, you need to figure out how to tie in your messaging around the problem that they don't know they have to messaging around problems that they *do* know they have. Your product is likely not just solving one problem, but others by extension as well. In other wo...


I've worked with over 50 B2B companies to help them generate, nurture and close your leads. I think the question you asked is premature. B2B Saas startups usually goes through 4 stages discovery, validation, efficiency, and scale. Validation from one customer is a start but is not enough vali...


I have worked on a B2B marketplace for technology and advised for a few B2B vertical marketplaces as well. This was for different clients in US, Asia and Middle East. You will need: 1. ability to attract integrators and sellers 2. Easy onboarding 3. Low listing fees 4. Great marketing team 5. A c...


Wow! Good question. The way is endless and could yield you so much. Think of innovation and creativity. These are just some ideas that I used and it worked and cost less and yield much profit. Depending on where you are some might not work but for what it's worth give some a try. Crowd gathering ...


Don't go for email software..Personally, I didn't find worth the expense.. Rather, you should create your own list which should be niche/focused and not something which everyone is using. If you cant, take professional help who can do that if you can share your target company, job titles, locatio...


In my experience, the longer sales cycle requires more attention. The metrics will be unique to your business, but you can't go wrong with these: Marketing & Sales Metrics Look at metrics that will help you scale and project growth, and then accelerate opportunity to close velocity #s and conve...


You are facing a classic chicken and egg problem. You want premium projects but cannot get them because you haven't done any yet. To solve this, you need to think from your target customers standpoint. Why would a customer buy from you? What do you offer that others don't have? Once you define th...


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