
Results for: Bootstrapping your business

The easiest way to promote on a shoestring budget is guest posts. Write about the problem your app solves on sites where your target customers will read them. Make sure you've got a strong marketing funnel for the people who click through your articles — if you're not capturing leads properly (...


Invest it in yourself and find a great job that will pay the bills while you work on your own venture. Whether that means buying new work-appropriate clothes, books in your profession, a new certification or even interview coaching is up to you. I'd find a company that is emerging in an industry ...


Debt is nothing more than a math problem. You modify the equation (income/expenses). You modify the outcome. Simple as that. Over 20 years in the debt relief space has shown me its nothing more than a physiological problem, once you get your mindset in check, the math problem takes care of it...


There are two value sets here: yours and the prospect's. You may value your service at $X, but if your prospect doesn't see it that way, that value does not exist. However, you do have to start off with your target value. Have a "base/best case" value, and a "bare minimum/worst case" value. Th...


We've done something similar, but by delivering pizzas. You can get them talking about you before you come in if you have it delivered, wrapped in gift paper, with a mysterious, clever, anonymous note complementing their pipes. Then drop in and ask if they liked the poster. It will probably go...


Honestly? Me. Admittedly, my focus is very narrow -- brand names and domains. But I see an appalling number of good startups begin by blundering in that narrow little area I know. Just as many get it right; yet even the fortunately named sometimes just luck out, without really thinking things...


Excellent question (and excellent answers here too). I'm 18 months into my start-up. That's 18 months of learning what is essential to survival and what is a waste of energy and space. Here is what is helping me most: 1. Communication essentials: Business cards (, laptop, phone, and Int...


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