Hi, I'm Rodger Stephens, and I'm a business performance expert, growing businesses for the last 25+ years. Here's a few suggestions to help your business to grow...the method is simple, but unchangeable... 1) Find out what $$ you can allocate to bringing in new members. Having $100k in revenues ...
Super easy! You already know the answer to this. A simple growth hack that should get you more than 100users is by either creating or joining a meetup or group with these interests. Give them some swag (tees/stickers) If possible add gamification to your efforts and watch your user base grow ;)...
One thing I like about your question is the fact that you're ASKING it. Trying to quantify profit. Most people never even get that far. They treat profit--especially if it is that of their own business--as some ethereal thing they will "get later" if possible. "To manage we must measure" is a ...
It's not a pipe dream. Startups convince investors to give them money for all sorts of reasons and with all sorts of potential ROI. Advertisers at this early stage could be regarded as investors of a kind. If they believe in your project and your game plan, then they might want (A) to support...
For any Marketplace platform to function & grow well both sides of the user base needs to be developed in tandem. Initially depending on the service the Marketplace is trying to provide, it is important to focus on users that will provide the service. Uber: Drivers, Clarity: Experts, eBay: Se...
Hello, I'm sure everyone has their own approach but in my opinion, not taking orders when there is an obvious demand is ludicrous - BUT there is a way to do it properly to maximize the "hype". Gaining followers on social media is not as powerful as gaining actual potential buyers. What I would r...
There are so many possibilities that come to mind, without knowing a lot more about what has lead you to this point, it is hard to offer any actionable advice. The first place I would start investigating is the top of your sales funnel. Are you getting students? Are they just not converting? Are...
Great question - local marketing is absolutely essential nowadays. Especially as few people are navigating social media looking for tooth whitening services, these will become more profitable than online over time. Here's a quick list of tools I suggest using to bolster your current social medi...
I would start with some growth hacks to increase your sales without raising your costs that much. 1. Social media - provide valuable content related to your SAAS and the industry it targets. Build traction by showing case studies, customer reviews, how customers use your product and how it saves...
Does your business provider add value beyond money to counter balance? Normally, you would share profits according to your ownership stake. If you aren't happy with the current ownership split, maybe you could buy some of his shares.