1. Start by researching your industry online... what types of things are websites linking to? What types of press angles are being written? And how can you do similar things? 2. Keep a list of those websites from step one... so that as you do and create interesting content, you can reach out to t...
Depends on who you ask. If you read all the banned data about Vitamin C (back to the early 1900s), along with MMS (no MMS isn't bleach) you'll find a variety of ways to clear these pathologies (symptom sets). Tip: No one can use the word "cured" because the AMA (Medical Cartel Gestapo) owns thi...
Yeah it will be a great idea. I see many people like to listen instead of viewing video while traveling. This is why now a days audio books are getting popular among businessmen who don't have time to read or view long videos. Another reason might be that watching for so long with eyes is more st...
A really good place to start is by listening to Neil Patel and Eric Sui’a podcast called Marketing School. Few other resources are: - Brian Dean YouTube channel Backlinko - Moz.com and their YouTube channel on whiteboard Friday’s - Matt Diggity and his blog - Lion Zeal Podcast - Searchenginel...
Social media is very useful for B2B SaaS companies. The level of targeting on places such as Twitter and Facebook are very useful to hit the right people/companies. LinkedIn is also another useful tool for B2B Advertising. On Twitter/Facebook, you can potentially target users of your SAAS, or c...
If you're CAN-SPAM compliant, showing unsubscribe links, physical address etc, you don't have a policy problem. You have a relevance problem. Frequency and chasing prospects are not bad, as a matter of fact they can be quite good. But you have to be relevant to what the customer expects to get t...
Tough to answer in full without knowing what your service is, but there are plenty of ways to get in front of college students. A few ideas: - Build a blog with useful/interesting content, share on social, build an audience - Incentivize current users to invite their friends through a referral p...
I was born a maker, and I've been an Entrepreneur for six years now (and a wannabe for much longer before that) and I think the worst advice I've got was from people who had never taken a step of the journey. People with academic (or other) credentials who advise you based on theory and complete...
I am a corporate technology lawyer experienced in setting up venture funds and acting fur funds in their "portfolio" investments. Always happy to see new innovative approaches to investment funds. The above offering can be done. I suspect it would require more "maintenance" on the fund level and ...
Do you have a clearly defined target audience? If so, great! If not, that would be the first place to start. Second, where does your target audience hang out, online and off line? Be specific and create some lead generation strategies to reach them with a call to action. Hope that helps.