
Results for: CDN

I see many great ideas here and strongly agree Facebook is a great avenue. Outside of all the "Online" answers I'd also suggest forming partnerships with other businesses in your local market that work with a similar audience. Do an open-house together, referral agreement or other simple partne...


This is a great question. The world of accounting/bookkeeping can be a confusing array of options for non accountants. Let's address the software question first. Let me start by saying that my firm is relatively agnostic to software, we work with dozens. I'm familiar with Xero and my firm ha...


Keep your head down and work on your own project. Stop being a spectator to what other people are up to. Ignore all the noise. Start unsubscribing from mailing lists. Delete your memberships at social media platforms, or at least stop logging in. Stop paying attention to Twitter feeds. Trea...


You may regard this as general advice yet is is not as trite as you may think. The reason is that your question is very general and can be easily be answered by 'that depends' and 'how long is a piece of string'. To answer the vital questions that lead you down a journey of what you should do, ...


Tough question. Prior to 2008 it wasn't too bad but since 2012 especially finding commission-based reps has been difficult. In 2011 I created an agency for a management consulting firm. At that time I could still count on responses to ads. But in 2012 response was non-existent. I also hired com...


I don't think this is a name that will receive many unsolicited bids, so you'd be best of identifying some potential buyer and setting a Buy Now price along with requesting offers.


There are some angel investors that may invest in your business, depending on how much traction you have but most investors want to see a proof of concept and some traction. The best advice I can give you is try to get the app done and continue to have conversations with investors outside of your...


If you want to build a business around this, I'd recommend looking into some platforms that offer white-labeling and an easy interface for creating courses. Check out Or you could always go with something like Udemy, which may be a bit easier, but would be hosted throu...


It may just be how I'm interpreting your statements and question, but I'm sensing two different approaches are on your mind. Getting clarity around your end goal will help you attain that goal. You indicate you are a consultant with a methodology that works. At the same time, you indicate that...


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