First of all promote on search engines and social media. Start a blog and write at least 2 articles a week about the problems, how your product is solving them etc. Use tools such as to automatically post content from your blog to all the social media profiles of your business....
The reality is "reputable" growth hackers - aren't sitting around on freelance sites waiting for you to hire them. If they are good, they are either (very) gainfully employed at a reputable company making very good salaries or more likely using our super powers to create multimillion dollar compa...
Think about the entire sense of the product that the consumer gets, this includes your website, what you sound like on the phone if/when they call, your logo, the packaging of your product, etc. These are all relatively small things that you could tweak that would have a disproportionally large e...
You don't. But you can definitely build the product. This is a crowded market where reputation is of critical importance. It is much easier to get a large sponsor to revenue share and handle distribution and marketing. Most of the insurance companies would be a good target for annuity products b...
You can do this on your own, or you could find an organization that will help you. is one place you could try for getting funding if you want to do this all on your own, Good luck
First things first - you have 2 ways to monetise. 1 - build an audience 2 - get paid to write (not necessarily on your site). 1 - How to get readers and build an audience If you have an audience then advertisers will pay to promote to your audience. It's important that you ensure your audienc...
Total Addressable (at least in the US) can be built based on market data sets, both free and for fee. For early child care centers, Market Data Retrieval and NCES (publicly available data set) are two recommended sources. For Serviceable, that depends on a) your own business / operating model and...
There is no clear call to action on the site. What do you want a visitor to do? What's the primary goal, the secondary goal, etc. Additionally there is no value proposition. Yes you have reviews but so what. If I am the ideal customer why should I do x goal? These 2 elements will have the bigge...
Hi, I've spent my career in Business to Business sales. If you're not willing to make sales calls or deal with clients yourself, there are really only two options: 1. Create an interface for order taking and rely on marketing efforts. 2. Figure out a way to pay others to make the sales calls fo...