
Results for: CDN

The easiest way that will really hit you is, are you turning away business because you can't handle the load? If that is a yes, then you have to say, how much am I willing to pay a person to do the extra work? Lastly, the business you are turning away, is it enough for you to pay a person, an...


Crowdfunding for startups is a difficult task if there isn't a tangible product at hand currently. If he kept the funding on a personal level and only involved family and friends, then it could work, but that opens pandora's box of "borrowing" money from people you have a non-business connection to.


It all begins with understanding who your best potential customers are. Spend some very focused time in determining not only who they are (moms; small business owners; homeowners; etc.) but want needs and desires they have. How will these align with your products or services? Also—talk to these...


If you are going cold market the best way I have found is looking for a niche where there are good solid companies on page two - five that have poor onsite SEO and/or site design. Connect with them.


Hi, Before giving you the practical tips, it is important to first point out 3 things: A) You should be 100% sure that you really need a co-founder (versus using a freelancer or employee which may be sufficient). B) Investors usually take a deep look into the team and prefer founders that have w...


Hi First of all, the fact that you're asking this question is very good (stage one of the solution). Second, without hearing more details, it is very difficult to provide an educated answer. Therefore, I am willing to offer you the following: 1. Send me more details of your business + what you ...


Hello, I can help you with product designs. I have never followed my design products to production or to market. I use the Adobe creative suite to design products.


Hi - i would first start with your goals. if this is to be a group for your team to interact and share, a system like Teams, Slack or Monday are good alternatives that have cloud interfaces and have a ton of functionality. For more open groups, Facebook groups are pretty robust. Could you tell me...


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