
Results for: Career Advising

Being both a Consultant to Startups and an Educator to young people like yourself, I commend you first on getting international experiences of any kind. And it's great you have a good business idea! Here's the beauty of applying to those companies - you can always say no or not pursue the job. A...


Remember having a friend in a similar situation. This was my advice in that moment: -Make a list of the top 50 clients you had in the consulting firm, choose those which you had a close relationship and can actually talk about you (not fake it) -Call them and ask them if they believe you did a ...


Try a non-traditional approach and go for the best of both worlds. (Note: Whether this makes sense and would work depends on the details of the situation, which I don't know) 1) At your current job, bring up your idea for the new internal program and say you'd like to take charge of it. Don't as...


The decision to join a Startup vs a large corporation - and the associated pros and cons are not a static set - they vary greatly based on where you are, what your skill set is, what stage of your career you are in and so on. There are of course some that are universal (like being part of somethi...


Why does your original goal have to be unattainable? Figure out another way to generate the money to go to your MBA school. That should draw you on. Honestly, you pick up the pieces by picking up the pieces. Wallowing in self-pity is pointless. We all go through ups and downs. If you get beaten...


What I've done is write a book... Eventually there were 4 books and other special reports. I sell them on Amazon but often give them away to prospective clients. There is no greater pleasure than to submit a proposal to a prospect which includes the words...' I am an expert in this area and th...


There are a few key traits that people look for in a manager, and the reason an employer asks for experience is to try to ensure that the candidate has honed them. Those are: "Big picture" thinking - you need to be able to detach yourself from the details and see the overall aim of your project...


I would rather work 80 hours per week on a project I was passionate about than 40 hours a week on a project I didn't care about. You're right, there is no "right answer". You have to know what will get you out of bed each morning and excited to tackle new problems and challenges.


Hello! I would try job search engines such as Indeed. Also, update your LinkedIn profile and start making connections. Pick a company you REALLY like and believe in and follow them. Find people that work in that company doing what you want to do and reach out to them. Tell them you really admire ...


Seems to me that versatility is actually your greater selling point. Yes, you could concentrate on 1 niche problem that you solve over and over again for various clients. Advantage: That streamlined approach would be efficient in terms of presentation and actual work load. Disadvantage: By pro...


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