I'd consider finding some middle ground. Be careful of SEM farm agencies where it's a bit more of a factory atmosphere. That said, your current gig doesn't seem to be challenging you. So I'd consider a change but I'd be more picky about where you go so you can find an environment where you can le...
I've been selling to businesses my entire career. Getting into B2B sales is easy. Find a company that you like who sells to small business and find out who the sales leader is. Connect with them and ask for an appointment. Explain your desire to get into B2B sales. Explain that you'd like th...
Throttle the time in your business and be brutal about saying "No." Be ultra-clear on expectations with every single client. "This is how I work. At X'oclock, I am offline and no longer available. I check emails and messages at these times only: X,Y, and Z o'clock." If that doesn't work for the...
Hello Aidan. I was recently featured on a panel at General Assembly for an audience looking to make a career shift towards product management. In 2014 I moved from a marketing / user engagement role at a software startup to product management. The transition is still fresh in my mind. Based on ...
I recently added a heading in my resume called personal work, under it I put stuff that I have taught myself, or have just learned over time, but that cannot be placed into an actual work environment. As far as quantifying it, try not to learn things on sites that don't offer you some sort of ...
It would be a generalist support role that is 100% reactive focused on putting out fires. Such companies have huge support teams that are under strict workforce planning with well though trough (to the minute) scheduling and multiple support channels (email, chat & phone) that requires reps to ...
Remember having a friend in a similar situation. This was my advice in that moment: -Make a list of the top 50 clients you had in the consulting firm, choose those which you had a close relationship and can actually talk about you (not fake it) -Call them and ask them if they believe you did a ...
If you're willing to simply get by while you work on your dream, look for an opportunity to get paid to work on that dream. Look around. There are jobs that are incredibly boring and even afford the chance to read while you're on the job. That would be a great time for research, catching up on e...
Try a non-traditional approach and go for the best of both worlds. (Note: Whether this makes sense and would work depends on the details of the situation, which I don't know) 1) At your current job, bring up your idea for the new internal program and say you'd like to take charge of it. Don't as...
I don't think anyone would fault you for asking for more info that could help make you a better candidate. The sales team will definitely get you up and running the fastest. If you think something in your current situation would make you think otherwise, we can hop on a call just to make sure i...