
Results for: Cash Flow

So you do lab work for dentists? If you post your website or some other info it might be easier to help you with the issue. If you want to improve cash flow you can either reduce expenses or grow revenue. My experience is that it is usually way easier to grow revenue since expenses are so thin f...


Let others do the heavy work: use a software solution. There are many out there, so start with exactly what you need to know (the information you need to have available comes first, then you determine what and how to track). Do some research on the available software and then call up a few compa...


It really depends on your initial cash position. In my experience the most direct path to positive chase flow is a service business. If a service business is not for you I would look into a distribution company. If you are creative there are ways to set up a distribution model that utilizes a ...


If you don’t mind trying to schedule a meeting with me I could give you some great advice !


It worries me when I hear a (budding?) entrepreneur use words like "reliable" and "consistent" and "income". Entrepreneurs know there are no such guarantees on the road to potential success. As well your statement "may take time" also indicates that it's just a matter of time. In many (dare I ev...


Josh, I am a contract and negotiation expert. I have over 8 years of small business advising and consulting experience. A more detailed bio is easily available on all social media and this site. Let me be a lawyer and give this disclaimer *This is not legal advice, and this information does e...


You need a source of capital to carry you through the receivables period. Basically you've got three options: -Borrow money to finance the receivables -Find investors to contribute equity to finance receivables -Sell the receivables (factoring) or some combination of these. In my experience you...


Hi: Good job tackling this important exercise. There are many entrepreneurs who shy away from it. That said, if you're in the US, check out SCORE ( The organization has chapters around the country or you can connect virtually. This is the perfect type of project for their ...


I love this question. If you have to work on the side while building your business, I recommend doing something you absolutely hate. That keeps you hungry to succeed on your own. You'll also typically save your energy for the evenings and weekends where you'll want it for your business. Don't exp...


I think you're looking at the low hanging fruit rather than digging for the gold that is surely inside these goldmine companies... What I recommend is to advise all of these startups is to master internet marketing. It's the one skill set that once mastered, can and should give rise to new busin...


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